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RE: Entering #BuzzParty2024 3Speak Competition

That's very very kind of you 😍 Hoping we can yet again meet in #Hivefest... I think they are announcing it today and I think it is going to be in Croatia 😁 See you there?

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And there you go... It is in Split, Croatia... Still not sure if I will make it, but will do my best... Have no direct flights from my place, so maybe I will go via the Netherlands... πŸ˜‚

Maybe we can plan something all together. Maybe have a Hive van where we keep on picking up Hivians on the road :)

hahahaha... It's funny, but when I arrived back from Hamburg to Spain and landed in Alicante, there was a bus that was taking (probably Brits) to Benidorm... It was called...


We need that one πŸ˜ƒ