POBphotocontest New Round: CLOUDS

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The theme for this week:

Welcome to a another round of the #POBPhotocontest
This week the subject is:

I got inspired by a walk in the dunes with the family last weekend. There were beautiful white clouds against a nice blue sky. And now I want to see your clouds!


About the POBPhotocontest

The #POBphotocontest is a weekly photography contest with a different subject every week. It runs from Sunday until next Sunday (8:00 PM CEST).
My intension is to make this contest accessible for everyone; from experienced photographers with professional cameras to beginners shooting with their phone camera. Everyone can join!

Every week you can create a blog post for this contest with at least one photo that that meets the subject of that week. That photo needs to be the first photo in the post.
Although it is allowed to use a photo from your archive it is more fun to go out and shoot new photographs.

Your photo should tell a story by itself, but also write something about your photo or photo's in your post. Share some background information about the subject, location or techniques you used and why you submitted this photo for the contest.
Don't forget to set #pobphotocontest as one of the tags] of your posts since that is the way I can find all the submitted photos.

You can also put your photo with a link to your post in the comments of this post.

The contest ends next Sunday 8:00 PM CEST.
I will personally judge the photos and select 3 winners based on both the quality and originality of the photo and the additional information in the blog post itself.

The winners will receive POB tokens and Ecency points.




The #POBPhotocontest has a lot of followers and frequent participants. Let me know when you also would like to get a mention when a new round of the #pobphotocontest starts so I can add you to the list.

@hetty-rowan @repayme4568 @bendany @insight.pob @xaviduran @pthker2010 @mrenglish @papilloncharity @amberkashif @shadflyfilms @edipascal @samsmith1971 @whiteangey @elemarg25 @actioncats @funshee @nasri11 @robertdouglass @deraaa @tommyl33 @ninahaskin @stader @dejan.vuckovic @tengolotodo @flamistan @belkisa758 @miriam11 @careassaktart @joseph23 @wems @justinpencilz @doziekash @melinda010100 @parissousa @littlebee4 @chapelle @tydynrain @sisterhood2 @desro @thecastles @henrietta27 @farpetrad @eylz619 @aura89 @carlynn @alexbb9700 @myfreshes @maxelitereturned @kattycrochet @asherrobert @ozohu @femcy-willcy @tfranzini @zuly63 @twicejoy @lifeskills-tv @zestimony @elitography @patschwork @karizma @stayoutoftherz @marbrym @fredkese @chichi18 @jane1289 @taimen @bettybunny @the13anarchist @shasta @karelysk89 @eddwood @fiatgirl @aideleijoie @zehn34 @jacoalberts @bloghound @kushyzee @drlobes @stresskiller @growandbow @hannes-stoffel @bluepark @jurich60 @rebolegi @herbae @franciscopr @kelzyspeaks @dayadam @jte1023 @slothlydoesit @stefano.massari @pinkhub @sofs-su @fantagira @abdul-qudus @zara09 @peniel2010 @aiovo @curatorcat.pal @vragolana @cryptopsycho21 @manuelgil64 @wongi @luchyl @ygoob @corinadiaz @ijelady @kingsleyy @amakauz @gejami @suteru @emma-h @nkemakonam89 @castri-ja @sahidclement99 @luisfe @diosarich @laimagenhabla @momogrow @aezielove @hadrianwild @coolmidwestguy @dragokazo @hellsveiah @jordy0827 @damelysh @suteru @miguelreinierp2 @balikis95 @numa26 @masterzarlyn28 @duskobgd @blessed-20 @nabbas0786 @duvinca



  • Create a blog post with a photo that meets this weeks subject.
  • Pictures from your archive are allowed, but I recommend posting a recent photo.
  • Add some information about your photo. What do we see? Where did you take it? Why did you take it? What techniques and/or equipment did you use?
  • Add the #pobphotocontest tag to that post (this is how I can find the post of the contestants).
  • You can add more photos to that post, but only the first one in your post will be your submission for the contest.
  • Optional: Place a link to the post you created in the comment on this announcement post. You can add your image to the comment too.



The top 3 will receive both POB tokens and Ecency points.
The Ecency points are generously donated by @good-karma and can be used in the @ecency front end to boost or promote your posts.

PlacePOB TokensEcency Points



What is POB?

POB stands for Proof of Brain. Proof of Brain is a community on Hive where you can actually post anything you want. The community has it's own POB token. When you post in the proofofbrain community or use the #POB or #ProofOfBrain tags on your post you can receive POB tokens.
When you stake your POB tokens you will earn curation rewards for voting on POB posts.
Just check out https://hive-engine.com/ how many POB tokens you have.

Not using your POB tokens? Please consider delegating them to my POB account friendmoose.pob which I'm using to curate POB photography posts.



What is Ecency?

Ecency is a social network on Hive that rewards content creators with Hive and points. Ecency points can be used to promote or boost your content, and can even be transferred or gifted to another user.




Creating blogs about photography, cycling, gardening, craft beer and more...


Every week I create a post with an overview of all the photography contests on Hive. You can find the weekly overview post by checking the #photocontests tag.
I also organise a weekly photography contest myself; the POB Photocontest. This weekly contests has a new subject every week and you can win POB tokens and Ecency points.
Check out the posts with the #pobphotocontest tag.


The Cycling Community is a community where you can share everything you like as long as it has to do with cycling. Share your rides, bike maintenance, news or tips and tricks.
Cycling posts will be upvoted by the community account.

You can support the Cycling Community by delegating some HP:

25 HP
50 HP
100 HP
250 HP
500 HP


This is my entry for this round .

Haha that's almost exactly what I was planning on submitting @tommyl33 🫣

Please submit it too so i also can enjoy your view from the other sides of the world 🥹🥹🥹

😁Same view from different sides of the world! Good idea, I like it. ☁️☁️


hellsveiah, tommyl33 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Clouds above and clouds below. Cool shot!

The sun really tries to burst through the clouds there!

Saludos, amigo @friendlymoose, acá está mi Participaciónal concurso de esta semana con el tema: Nubes.


Saludo and thanks for joining!

This is my entry for the contest


What a lovely sight with the sun behind the clouds ligthing it up like this!

Let's see if my Stratocumulus Cloud can convince you ...



Threatening skies!
I've seen way too many of these dark clouds on my side of the country as well 😒
Cool shot though!

I hope you like my contribution, waiting not only for comments on the photo but also for the little poem that inspired me.


These clouds look really fluffy! Cool that it inspired you to write a poem!

This week's contest kind of just landed on me. Here's my submission article and photo:

Ooh, threatening skies!

Nice scenery!

Thanks a lot!

I'm reading a book called Anti-climax.
The first part was good.

Credit: reddit
@friendlymoose, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of duvinca



I hope I am not too late to join this contest and share my cloud pict.
Here is my entry:

You're still before the deadline (8PM Cest).
Thanks for joining!

Your welcome. It's lot of fun join this contest with different theme each week.

I'm sorry. The deadline was a couple of hours ago. I just posted the winners blog.
I do like your shot!

Ufff, what bad luck.🙆🙆🤦🤦🤦

I'm sorry. It ends every Sunday at 8 PM CEST.
I'll start a new round tomorrow morning, so stay tuned!

Lovely view!
This makes me think that I really haven't been in an airplane for a long time now.

Thanks! It was pretty awesome getting to fly for the first time.

It's so cool flying above the clouds!

It is! 😁 Can't wait to get to do it again.


Very nice combination of blue, white and green!
Thanks for joining the contest!

These clouds really look like cotton wool.

Hello @friendlymoose I loved this week's contest
This is the image of the contest and the url


Thanks for joining!

Just made some photos yesterday, and here they are (together with some older photos).



Hey, another Dutchie?
I already thought by seeing that roof, but the 'wolken' in the link gave it away.
Thanks for joining.

Dutchie? German, north of Berlin.

Ah, wolken is also a German word indeed. My bad! 😃
Anyhow welcome from your Neighbor 👍

Gerne doch.

Hello @friendlymoose
My grandfather and I really like clouds, we are always taking photographs, this week I can't miss participating

Greetings, this is my entry for the contest :


Thank you so much =)

You're welcome. Don't forget to mention wich photo you want to send in for the contest. You can do that in your post or add it here in the comments.
If you don't I will take the first photo in your post as the submission for the contest 🙂

A very nice theme for this week, will surely join this one !
Good luck to all!

You must be killin' it out here!
@suteru just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @friendlymoose.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Great prompt for the week.

Cool! Nicely timed this one!

From water to clouds😀

Considering the amount of rain that drenched me last week, I was pleased with the drying.

I got lots of clouds! I hope I could select one for my entry

Clouds are everywhere!
I'm sure you will find a nice photo to submit!

I got notification but didn't get into this post for reading the Prompt of the week, made ny post in Photography Lovers community, and that is about Clouds !lol 😆

How many egomaniacs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, they hold the bulb while the world revolves around them.

Credit: marshmellowman
@friendlymoose, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of nabbas0786

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

You can add the #POBPHOTOCONTEST tag to that post if you like.
Do mention the photo you want to enter into the contest.

Great theme for the week. I hope I will get a chance to participate. I've missed this.😀

Thanks. You still have three days left 😉
There must be something in your archive. And if not; there are enough clouds today in The Netherlands.
It might be a nice inspiration for a poem too 🙂

haha - surely there are enough in my archive and outside as well. Guess what? I wrote a poem about clouds some time ago. Time is the issue for me at the moment. Have not had time for blogging much this year but I think your theme will be my start-again post.

Go for it!
Let your creativity flow!

Added contest to Ecency Discord contest channel

Thanks! !LUV

melinda010100, friendlymoose sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.