La Joie 📍 Marrakesh | Coffee Shop review [Eng][Spa]

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 months ago (edited)


Cafe La Joie
Turkish coffee with Moroccan spices
Souk El kebir, 193. Marrakesh, Morocco

Authorized photo

Marrakech's huge souk is well known for being a complex labyrinth, in which anyone can get lost very easily, not to mention trying to find a particular store without going around a few extra turns.

I was in that situation, looking for a curious local street food area, immersed in the bowels of the huge market, when a charming vendor overheard us speaking Spanish and discussing where we could go next to find our target.

This man offered to help us, as he was very fluent in our language and also happened to own one of the spiced coffee shops I had been meaning to try, so he fell like an angel from heaven.

We then had a kind of negotiation, it could not be otherwise in that city, in which he would take us to the place we were looking for, luckily it was near his store so we were not so lost, and he would also offer us the terrace of his place to sit and eat. Of course, as long as we bought him the coffee or tea we wanted to drink after the meal.

The deal was more than fair, because the place I was looking for was an alley of super narrow food stores with no place to eat and on his side, his store was right next to other cafes that offered the same product, one of them is also very famous for having appeared on television, so with that deal he was assured some customers for his place.

We accepted his offer and also bought him some drinks to go with the food, which he helped us order, before tasting the popular spiced coffee.



Honestly, all these coffee shops placed together in an alley of the souk are very striking, because of how picturesque it is and also because seeing how the coffee boils with hot sand immediately steals your attention.

This Turkish technique of making coffee has been adopted in some areas of Morocco thanks to the demand of foreign residents and tourists who come to the country, where it is not very common to drink coffee, as green tea is the preferred drink par excellence.

In the case of these stores in the souk of Marrakech, what makes them special is that, although they prepare coffee in the traditional Turkish style, they add a very special Moroccan touch by including the 6 most common native spices in the preparation of the coffee.

Our host explained to us that the preparation is done over hot sand, adding mineral water (something very important when visiting the country) ground coffee and the six spices in a pot that is constantly stirred in circles so that the foam acquires its characteristic creaminess.

Of course I asked him which were those six spices that we were going to taste in the coffee, these are added one at a time and stirred with a spoon in the pot while it heats up. These are: Cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, anise and cloves. An explosion of flavors. What I could not get him to explain to me was where the coffee he used came from, in that respect it was not possible to properly explain it to us.


While he was preparing our coffee, the friendly vendor was telling us how popular that style of coffee had become for tourists in that area and how crowded the coffee shops are in the morning, we had gone well past lunchtime already, so we were the only ones drinking coffee at that time.

I was struck by a curious dried flower he had in the store, and he explained that they were used as toothpicks, it's called stick plant and offered me to try it, although I found it very curious I declined his offer and continued to be interested in coffee.

Of course he offers many other things in the store, he prepares some typical dishes for customers at lunchtime and has a wide variety of teas and spices for sale.


The smell that the coffee gives off during its preparation is a delight, it smells of many things at the same time but above all of strong coffee. It has a fairly strong color and I was a little worried about drinking it with the sediment inside, without straining it before, but the truth is that by letting it sit for a minute after serving, the liquid is clean enough to be enjoyed.

It is also fun to witness the agility with which the vendor prepares it, even though the process takes a few minutes, it is difficult not to remain hypnotized watching the dipper dance in the sand, attentive to ensure that it does not spill.

Once the coffee is served, we sit at a small table outside the store to enjoy the exotic views offered by the souk corridor and its passers-by, who never cease to stroll around.



The taste is a light drink, something like a spiced American coffee, which made me enjoy it more because I thought it would be stronger. It was not bitter and although you can perceive that it has additions, it is complicated to taste each of its elements. I think I would prefer to add just one or two of the spices they add, although it seems to me that it is the combination of so many flavors that really makes it taste like Morocco.

In the end you are left with a very silky sediment that leads one to believe that they grind the coffee very fine. Interestingly, drinking the hot beverages while there, in the heat, is not suffocating but on the contrary, it helps you to stun hahaha.

It has been a brief experience and honestly I have been wanting to go again and try in the same visit the 3 or 4 stores that make the same type of coffee and be able to check if there is any relevant difference between them. I hope to have the chance to do it, but until I plan that new trip to the African continent I say goodbye with this photo enjoying my Turkish coffee with Moroccan flavors from Cafe La Joie, Bye bye!

I'll be attending next #buzzparty2024 meetup 😃

Thanks for dropping by!

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GIFs: Bloggif
Free Icons from: Iconfinder
Ticket sales and design: Buzzparty
Photo credits: All of the photos in this post
were taken by me with my Iphone 11 and belong to me.


Authorized photo

El enorme zoco de Marrakech es muy conocido por ser un complejo laberinto, en el que cualquiera puede perderse muy fácilmente y, ni hablar de intentar conseguir alguna tienda particular sin dar unas cuantas vueltas de más.

Yo me encontraba en esa situación, buscando una curiosa zona de comida callejera local, inmersa en las entrañas del enorme mercado, cuando un encantador vendedor nos escuchó hablando español y discutiendo sobre a dónde podríamos dirigirnos a continuación para dar con nuestro objetivo.

Este hombre se ofreció a ayudarnos, pues manejaba muy bien nuestro idioma y además resultó ser dueño de una de las tiendas de café con especias que yo tenía pendiente probar, así que nos cayó como un ángel del cielo.

Mantuvimos entonces una especie de negociación, no podría ser de otra manera en esa ciudad, en la que él nos llevaría al lugar que buscábamos, por suerte estaba cerca de su tienda así que no estábamos tan perdidos, y también nos ofrecería la terraza de su local para sentarnos a comer. Eso sí, siempre y cuando le comprábamos a él el café o té que quisiéramos tomar después de la comida.

El trato era más que justo, porque el lugar que yo buscaba era un callejón de tiendas de comida súper estrechas sin lugar para comer y por su parte, su tienda estaba justo al lado de otras cafeterías que ofrecían el mismo producto, una de ellas ademas es muy famosa por haber salido en televisión, así que con ese trato él se aseguraba unos clientes para su local.

Aceptamos su oferta y además le compramos algunas bebidas para acompañar la comida, que él mismo nos ayudó a ordenar, antes de probar el popular café especiado.



Sinceramente todas estas cafeterías apostadas juntas en un callejón del zoco son muy llamativas, por lo pintorescas que son y además porque ver cómo hierve el café con arena caliente te roba inmediatamente la atención.

Esta técnica turca de hacer café se ha adoptado en algunas zonas de Marruecos gracias a la demanda de los extranjeros residentes y turistas que acuden al país, en donde no es demasiado común tomar café, pues es el té verde la bebida preferida por excelencia.

En el caso de estas tiendas dentro del zoco de Marrakech, lo que las hace especiales es que, aunque preparan el café al estilo tradicional turco, añaden un toque especial muy marroquí al incluir en la elaboración del café las 6 especias autóctonas más comunes.

Nuestro anfitrión nos explicó que la preparación se hace sobre arena caliente, añadiendo agua mineral (algo muy importante al estar de visita en el país) café molido y las seis especias en un cazo que se agita constantemente en círculos para que la espuma adquiera su cremosidad característica.

Por supuesto le pregunté cuáles eran esas seis especias que íbamos a degustar en el café, estás se añaden de una en una y se revuelven con una cuchara en el cachito mientras se calienta. Estas son: Cardamomo, canela, cúrcuma, jengibre, anís y clavos. Una explosión de sabores. Lo que no logré fue que me explicara de dónde provenía el café que utilizaba, a ese respecto no fue posible explicarnos bien.


Mientras nos preparaba el café, el amable vendedor nos contaba lo popular que se había hecho ese estilo de café para los turistas en esa zona y lo abarrotadas que están las cafeterías en la mañana, nosotros habíamos ido muy pasada la hora de comer ya, por lo que éramos los únicos tomando café en ese momento.

Me llamó la atención una curiosa flor seca que tenía en la tienda, y me explicó que se utilizaban como mondadientes, se llama planta de palillos y me ofreció probarlo, aunque me pareció muy curiosa decliné su oferta y continué interesándome en el café.

Por supuesto ofrece muchas otras cosas en la tienda, prepara algunos platos típicos para los clientes a la hora de la comida y tiene una gran variedad de té y especias a la venta.


El olor que desprende el café durante su preparación es una delicia, huele a muchas cosas a la vez pero sobre todo a café fuerte. Tiene un color bastante fuerte y me preocupaba un poco tomarlo con el sedimento dentro, sin colarlo antes, pero la verdad es que al dejarlo reposar un minuto después de servido, el líquido queda bastante limpio para ser disfrutado.

Además es divertido presenciar la agilidad con la que el vendedor lo prepara, a pesar de que el proceso dura unos cuantos minutos, es difícil no quedarse hipnotizado mirando al cazo danzar en la arena, atento a que este no se derrame.

Una vez servido el café, nos quedamos sentados en una pequeña mesa que está fuera de la tienda para disfrutar de las exóticas vistas que ofrece ese pasillo del zoco y a sus transeúntes, que no cesan de pasar.



El resultado es una bebida ligera, algo como un café americano especiado, lo que me hizo disfrutarlo más porque creía que sería más fuerte. No era amargo y aunque se percibe que tiene añadidos, es complicado saborear cada uno de sus elementos. Creo que yo preferiría añadir sólo una o dos de las especias que utilizan, aunque me parece que es el conjunto de tantos sabores lo que haga realmente que sepa a Marruecos.

Al final queda un sedimento muy sedoso que lleva a pensar que muelen muy fino el café. Curiosamente tomar las bebidas calientes estando allí, con el calor que hace, no resulta sofocante sino todo lo contrario, te ayuda a atemperarte jajaja.

Ha sido una experiencia breve y sinceramente he quedado con ganas de ir nuevamente y probar en una misma visita las 3 o 4 tiendas que realizan el mismo tipo de café y poder comprobar si hay alguna diferencia relevante entre ellos. Espero tener la oportunidad de hacerlo, pero hasta que planee ese nuevo viaje al continente africano me despido con esta foto disfrutando de mi café turco con sabores marroquíes de Cafe La Joie, ¡Hasta pronto!

Pronto asistiré al evento de #BuzzParty2024 😃

¡Gracias por pasarte por aquí!

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GIFs: Bloggif
Íconos: Iconfinder
Venta y diseño de ticket: Buzzparty
Todas las fotografías de este post han sido
capturadas por mí, con mi Iphone 11 y me pertenecen.

 3 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Or rather a Coffee-Licious night to me hahaha Thank you very much!!

 3 months ago  

Hello there!
You've made me realise that my time spent in Morocco was before I had acquired the taste for coffee, so I never got to experience that side of the souks. I MUST book a trip back one day.

You look so happy, and I love photos like these that showcase a huge part of the culture.

It's lovely to see you here as always, and I wish you a Coffee-Licious week ahead:)))

Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

Hahaha youth doesn't let us appreciate all the perspectives of life x'D I'm kidding.

I still wanted to go back, there is a Bacha coffee shop inside one of the emblematic museums that I couldn't go to. It looked spectacular.

I think the weather helps to be happy, running away from the cold hahaha. But it's a wonder to walk around there and see in person those customs so different from the accidental ones.

Thanks to you for always taking the time to read our contributions to the community, all the best to you too!!!!

 3 months ago  

It's my pleasure, always:)))

Me encanta leer tu experiencia en esos lares, me alegro mucho que fuera positiva la visita, saludos

I love to read your experience in those places, I am very glad that the visit was positive, greetings.

(eng): These are incredible experiences that even I am surprised to have been able to achieve. Thank you very much for the good vibes.

(esp): Son experiencias increíbles que incluso aun me sorprende haber podido alcanzar. Muchas gracias por las buenas vibras.

Gracias por llevarnos a Marruecos contigo, el post está precioso, increíble cada foto y cada gif con un relato parece como si de una película se tratara.

Thanks for taking us to Morocco with you, the post is beautiful, amazing every photo and every gif with a story seems as if it were a movie.

(eng): Look, when I write my blog I feel like I'm reliving those moments just like a movie hahaha it's funny that you commented on that in particular. Thank you very much for appreciating each element of the content and for coming to travel with me for a while. :)

(esp): Oye pues yo cuando escribo para el blog siento que revivo esos momentos tal cual como una película jajaja me causa gracia que hayas comentado eso particularmente. Muchas gracias por valorar cada elemento del contenido y por venia a viajar un ratico conmigo. :)

Se ve muy pintoresco todo, hasta de antoja el café 😅

It all looks very picturesque, I even crave coffee 😅

(eng): Picturesque is a good adjective to describe that place, I'm glad the photos can convey that kind of feeling hahaha.

(esp): Pintoresco es un buen adjetivo para describir ese lugar, me alegra que las fotos puedan transmitir ese tipo de sensaciones jajaja.

Si, es que son muchos colores, muchos elementos y me encanta!!

Super interesante como calientan el cafe en la arena, y todas esas exoticas especias, memorable experiencia!


@ninaeatshere! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @manclar. (2/5)

Super interesting how they heat the coffee in the sand, and all those exotic spices, memorable experience!

(eng): It is a very curious method for us westerners, but at least here in Europe it is becoming popular in recent years, there are several stores that prepare it this way in big cities, I think I should go to one for comparison haha.

(esp): Es un método muy curioso para nosotros, los occidentales, pero al menos por aquí en Europa se está popularizando en los últimos años, hay varias tiendas que lo preparan así en las grandes ciudades, creo que debería ir a una para comparar jaja.

Que rico se ve ese café... y lo digo y repito... sin café no se programa, no se diseña, no se trabaja

How delicious that coffee looks... and I say it again and again... without coffee you can't program, you can't design, you can't work.

(eng): Hahaha very thoughtful of you this comment hahaha me talking about the caffeine vice compared to your work and you encourage me, thank you very much, I appreciate it very much!

(esp): Jajaja muy detallista de tu parte este comentario jajaja yo hablando del vicio de la cafeína en comparación a tu trabajo y tú me animas, muchas gracias, lo aprecio mucho!

Siempre pensé que ese tipo de café era de sabor fuerte, que interesante. Que bueno que siempre hay alguien que te pueda ayudar. Es todo un paseo el que nos brindaste y me encantó toda la descripción del ambiente y de los sabores. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazo @ninaeatshere

I always thought that type of coffee was strong flavored, how interesting. How nice that there is always someone who can help you. It's quite a ride you gave us and I loved all the description of the ambiance and flavors. Much success and a hug ninaeatshere.

(eng): Yeah, you are very right, sometimes we expect certain flavors and we got surprised with reality, for me I am almost always surprised in a positive way, like this time. Thank you for your good wishes and for giving me a little of your reading time. Have a great week, hugs!

(esp): Sí, tienes mucha razón, a veces esperamos ciertos sabores y nos sorprendemos con la realidad, en mi caso casi siempre me sorprendo de forma positiva, como esta vez. Gracias por tus buenos deseos y por regalarme un poco de tu tiempo leyendo,. Que tengas una muy bonita semana. ¡Abrazos!.

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Many thanks guys for supporting my content, hugs to the team!

pero que bonita.
chama tus tour son los máximo a demás tienes suerte con las ballenas 😅😀

Que bueno que pudieron encontrar una guía para explorar esos lugares nuevos.
espero en algun futuro conocerla.


how beautiful.
girl your tours are the best and you are lucky with the whales 😅😀.
Good that you were able to find a guide to explore those new places.
I hope to go there in the future.

(eng): Thanks for the hug and the good wishes, I also hope you have fun experiences, although I know that with your creativity there must be a wonderful world inside you.

(esp): Gracias por el abrazo y los buenos deseos, yo también espero que vivas experiencias divertidas, aunque sé que ya con tu creatividad debe haber un mundo maravilloso dentro de ti.

i have never seen such type of coffee before.... it was simple but amazing place to visit...

The world of coffee is not only interesting but also surprising when we discover how each culture has made it its own. Sometimes in simplicity lies the charm hehehe.

Totally agreed 👍🏻
For many of us coffee is not only drink, it's energy booster to charge yourself...

I've heard of this method of making coffee but never really got the chance to try one. I bet it's a unique and incredible experience though :)

I was in the same situation as you. I had seen it reviewed many times, but I thought that until I went to the place where it originated, I wouldn't be able to try it, and it turns out that in Morocco I could hehehe then I've seen that in some big cities in Europe there are Turkish coffee shops that offer it, but I haven't come across any yet.

Same! Wouldn't dare to try one unless it's from the origins! :)

Se me antoja esa experiencia, quiero probar ese café.

Epa, si estás escribiendo esto es que si lograste encontrar la salida del mercado jajaja

¡Que buen plan!

I'm craving that experience, I want to try that coffee.
Hey, if you're writing this is that you did manage to find your way out of the market hahaha.
What a great plan!

(eng): Uff I found it, but you can't imagine how much time later hahahaha. I had several stories there on different days, even one night hahaha but that's part of the experience of going to that area. Maybe in Madrid there is a Turkish cafe, in Madrid there is anything and everything hahaha.

(esp): Uff la encontré, pero no te imaginas cuanto rato más tarde jajajaja. Tuve varios cuentos por ahí en días diferentes, hasta una noche jajaja pero bueno es parte de la experiencia de ir a esa zona. Capaz y en Madrid hay alguna cafetería turca, en Madrid hay de todo jajajaja.

Muy buen post probando cosas nuevas que saben muy bien, sigue probando mas cosas y también cosas nuevas, son buenas experiencias de sabor 😃

Very good post trying new things that taste great, keep trying more things and also new things, they are good taste experiences 😃.

(eng): I feel like you wrote me a tongue twister hahaha but I assure you that I will not stop trying things, whether they are new or not hahahaha. Greetings!

(esp): Siento que me escribiste un trabalenguas jajaja pero te aseguro que no pararé de probar cosas, sean nuevas o no jajajaja. Saluditos!

xD no me había dado cuenta cierto

Qué maravilla amiga!! Me encantó este post! Pregunta, crees que es seguro ir a Marruecos para una mujer viajera sola?

Qué bueno que justo hayas dado con ese hombre que tenía la tienda de café con las especias que querías probar, no existen las casualidades, claramente.

Me gustaron mucho las fotos, porque me sentí paseando por la ciudad, que como comentas, es como un laberinto. Aunque no he ido, ya muchas personas me han comentado lo mismo.

Me imagino que debe ser una ciudad preciosa para conocer y perderse en ella, pero… vuelvo al principio, es segura? No quiero ser prejuiciosa, pero lamentablemente he visto varias películas de chica en donde la presentaban como un lugar al que no aconsejan ir sola.

Igualmente, no aconsejan viajar sola, y heme aquí, jeje.

En fin, es una ciudad que tengo pendiente y ahora este café que nos compartes se suma a mi visita por allí.

Un abrazo amiga! Gracias por compartir!

How wonderful my friend!!! I loved this post! One question, do you think it is safe to go to Morocco for a solo female traveler?
How nice that you just happened to find that man who had the coffee shop with the spices you wanted to try, there are no coincidences, clearly.
I really liked the photos, because I felt like I was walking through the city, which as you comment, is like a labyrinth. Although I have not been there, many people have already told me the same thing.
I imagine it must be a beautiful city to get to know and get lost in, but... I go back to the beginning, is it safe? I don't want to be prejudiced, but unfortunately I have seen several movies as a girl where it was presented as a place where it is not advisable to go alone.
Likewise, they don't advise traveling alone, and here I am, hehe.
Anyway, it is a city that I have pending and now this coffee that you share with us adds to my visit there.
A hug friend! Thanks for sharing!

(eng): Hello! thank you very much for reading my post, I think you haven't lost any detail of the story and I appreciate it very much.
Well, to be honest, I wouldn't go alone. In fact I had never thought about going because of the same concerns of yours, which in a way I found out being there. I traveled because a friend (clearly a man hahaha) was going alone and he told me that we could take the chance to keep each other company, and it was a great idea, my personal space was more respected by being with a man, although you felt all eyes on you. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it's something you feel. Many girls have asked me about the same thing, the truth is that I have gone to many places alone but I do not dare with this destination, it is a cultural issue that surely if one could come to understand would feel safer, but I think that is not easy, especially if one is very loose and very open minded ... to say it somehow. Anyways, I plan to go back with the same friend, hahaha he was hired as a companion for difficult destinations, I think that even if it hurts a little in pride (at least to me haha) is the best way.

(esp): Hola! muchas gracias por leerme, creo que no has perdido detalle del relato y te lo agradezco mucho.
Vale pues siendo sincera, yo no iría sola. De hecho no me había planteado ir por las mismas dudas tuyas, que en cierta forma comprobé estando allí. Yo viajé porque un amigo (claramente un hombre jajaja) iba a ir solo y me dijo que podíamos aprovechar de hacernos compañía, y fue una gran idea, mi espacio personal era mas respetado por estar con un hombre, aunque igualmente se sentían todas las miradas sobre una. No sé exactamente como describirlo, pero es algo que se siente. Muchas chicas me han consultado por lo mismo, la verdad es que yo he ido a muchos lugares sola pero no me atrevo con este destino, es una cuestión cultural que seguramente si uno pudiera llegar a comprender se sintiera mas segura, peeeero, creo que eso no es fácil, sobre todo si uno es muy suelta y de mente muy abierta…por decirlo de alguna manera. Anyways, yo tengo pensado volver con el mismo amigo, jajaja quedó contratado como acompañante para destinos difíciles, creo que aunque duela un poco en el orgullo (Al menos a mí jaja) es la mejor manera.

Jajaj, me podré sumar?? Quiero ir!!! No tengo a ninguno contratado para eso todavía, jaja. A ver si aparece alguno.

Qué incómodo, me puedo imaginar, ya que me pasó algo similar en Jerusalén y en ese caso también iba con un amigo.

Marruecos debe ser precioso realmente, y el hecho de que quieras volver también indica un poco de lo bonito que puede ser.

¡Claro que sí! sería genial, un alma aventurera más siempre es bienvenida. Jajaja sí es que de verdad hay diferencia, hay que ir con un hombre y bien tapaditas x'D. Pero vale mucho la pena, es la definición de exótico, aunque bueno, también tiene su lado no tan bonito, pero nosotras tercermundistas entendemos de eso jeje.

El café es mi bebida preferida (después del agua claro), siempre que veo la elaboración con la técnica de la arena muero de ganas por probarlo, creo que el sabor cambia mucho, hay alguna magia en esa fusión de tantos elementos naturales. El café que probaste tienes esas especias que son muy buenas e imagino que estaba muy sabroso. Solo he probado el café con cardamomo, con canela, nunca con curcuma o gengibre, menos con todas juntas.

Me encantan tus post.

Coffee is my favorite drink (after water of course), whenever I see the elaboration with the sand technique I die of desire to try it, I think the flavor changes a lot, there is some magic in that fusion of so many natural elements. The coffee you tasted has those spices that are very good and I imagine it was very tasty. I have only tried coffee with cardamom, with cinnamon, never with curcuma or ginger, less with all together.
I love your posts.

(eng): hahaha "after water of course" that sounded like someone who would give his life for his glass of water, don't mess with my hydration! xD.
Well the brewing method itself I don't think it modifies the flavor too much, it is a little more robust but the same as if you prepare it in a pot on the stove without straining, at least that's what it seems to me. The texture changes a little by experimenting with the almost boiling that generates the foam, although when it is tempered it ends up being light. In this case the flavor changed mainly because of those added spices, you're right, it's crazy to imagine so many flavors together hahahaha. Thank you very much :).

(esp): jajaja “después del agua claro” eso sonó a alguien que daría la vida por su vaso de agua, ¡no se metan con mi hidratación! xD.
Bueno el método de elaboración en sí no creo que modifique demasiado el sabor, sí es un poco más robusto pero igual que si lo preparas en una ollita en la cocina sin colar, al menos eso me parece a mí. Cambia un poco es la textura por jugar con el casi hervor que genera la espuma, aunque cuando se atempera termina siendo ligero. En este caso el sabor cambiaba sobre todo por esas especias añadidas, tienes razón, es una locura imaginar tantos sabores juntos jajajaja. Muchísimas gracias :).

This looks very similar with the way they prepare coffee in Turkey, usually they also put a piece of turkish delight next to it.

It is the same preparation method, in fact it is offered as: Turkish coffee with Moroccan spices. jajaja but it is not the common way of drinking coffee in Morocco, the normal is a filter coffee with some spice. This is a thing of specialized coffee shops in making Turkish coffee.

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