NLCA DAY! (National Learning Camp Assessment)

in Hive Learners15 days ago
Hello to my beloved readers! Welcome to another blog tour spot! After I shared a few of my tips and techniques for studying, let us head for school after a month-long suspension and refresh some of the moments I've had for our NLCA! Happy reading!


The National Learning Camp Assessment is used to evaluate the impact of the learning camp intervention on the learning proficiencies of participating students both before and after the camp, specifically for students in public schools in grades 7 through 10. It conveys the strong message that education is possible at any time and place as long as one has the proper motivation and intention. By putting these idle times to good use, the camp teaches the kids responsibility and purpose, demonstrating to them that their time can be used to further their own development (DepEd Memorandum 2024).


I had just recently finished my final exams and soon after that, we also had to take our NLCA exams which were mandatory to acquire our Good Moral and Character (GMC). We were all given different schedules and venues at the time. I had been assigned to our Junior High School Computer Laboratory from 3 to 5pm. However, it got postponed due to the slow internet connectivity. I made most of my time there and submitted my papers in Advanced Chemistry and Research before leaving it on my subject teacher's desk inside the Physics Laboratory. I didn't have much to do afterwards, so I just went home. Our school is a walking distance from the highway, so I still had to walk a couple more blocks and passed by a locally-popular coffee shop cart and ordered a matcha drink; a classic favorite of mine. I stopped in front of the convenience store near the intersection and waited for a tricycle. I had to wait patiently because there were only a few passing by at the time, considering that it isn't really one of those regular school days.


Eventually, our exam was rescheduled to the 15th, same time. I went there and met up with a couple of classmates who turned out to have the same schedule as me. Once we got to the venue, we were asked to sign a couple of documents before they gave us a laptop to use. I was having difficulty trying to run the exam program, but I got the help of a proctor so I got the hang of it. We were asked to answer some personal questions before they quizzed us with our major subject topics from the 1st to 4th quarter. I pretty much think I am lucky enough to remember most of the details even if those were from last year. If I would rank the difficulty of each subject, I'd say: English (Easy), Science (Average), Math (Hard). I tried to do my best in answering the questions and after a 2-hour long test in one sitting, I finally finished and submitted my outputs. The proctors informed us in advance that those who manage to pass the exam will be given the opportunity to choose if they want to participate in the learning camp and further learn new things over the summer break. Currently, I am just hoping for the best to come.


After the exams, once again, I ordered a cup of dark coffee by the same coffee shop cart (by now you can probably tell that I am a coffee lover). It was a deal-breaker for me after I used up all my energy for the test, and also because of the hot weather since I needed something to quench my thirst. I also stopped by a bakery and bought some mini bread pieces (pandesal in the Philippines) which goes so well with coffee I swear you've gotta try it. That is all for my blog today. I hope you guys enjoyed reading! Take care and have a happy, merry weekend!



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That's good Ma'am @gialleria the National Learning Camp this school break will help you refresh your lessons in English, Science, and Mathematics.