Battle Mage Secrets Weekly challenge: Heavy Hitters

in Hive Learners15 days ago

Not everyone in the splinterlands knows the strategic way to fight battles when ‘heavy hitters’ is given.
I believe Rome was not built in a day! Those days when I saw heavy hitters among my rules, I used to neglect the rules because I didn't know really understand the rule.
I was motivated by heavy hitters when I watched more than three battles In the previous time we shared battle challenge by using heavy hitters. It was during the previous battle challenge I learned goe to use a stun monster when ‘Heavy hitters’ is given.
That was when I realized how powerful heavy hitters rule was in battles. I was very happy to watch those battles, and since then, I became one of the players that love the heavy hitters rule.

The problem I have with the heavy hitters rule is that we don't have more monsters with stun ability. Monsters with stun ability are the beauty of this rule, if such monsters can stun a monster in a battle, the attacked monster receives double damage from any monster that attack it.

Heavy Hitters is one of the old rules in splinterlands; because I wasn't paying attention to the rule, I did not recognize the secret of the rule. If you understand heavy hitters rule, you can have flawless victory while playing heavy hitters battles.

The First battle I watched today was a titan fight, it was the best battle I watched today. though, I wasn't the one that fought. I knew it is very important to have good monsters and Summoners. I'm just praying to God to take me to the position where I will have Max DEC.
It was a battle between two champions. Fortunately the one with good cards won the battle.

Click here to watch.

There are three rules in this battle and they are:

Heavy Hitters: All Monsters have the knockout ability.
I have said it before, without a stun monster, it is impossible to see the purpose of this rule in this battle. What made me win this battle was the stun ability. Fighting Legendary Scarred Llama mage and Kron the Undying is not easy. There was no was I could have won the battle without Spirit Shaman in this battle.
The stunning ability of spirit shaman helped me to win the battle.

Fire and regret: All monsters have the return fire ability.
I didn't recognize that there was fire and regret among the rules, so I selected Beatrix Ironhand in this battle. After the battle started, I realized that I had made a big mistake by selecting Beatrix Ironhand. Martyr monster was the one I was supposed to use instead of Beatrix Ironhand. Beatrix Ironhand was eliminated by fire and regret.
Therefore, it is not a good strategy to use range monsters when Fire and regret is given in battles.

What doesn't kill you: All monsters have the enrage ability.
The moment I saw this rule, I was happy to use Grund in this battle. I knew that the melee would help in this battle.

Monsters Arrangement
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 1 ⭐
Speed: 3 🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Double attack
Health: 11 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 10
What made me interested in Grund was the ‘what doesn't kill you’ rule; I knew it would be to my advantage if the enrage ability gives a 50% bonus to melee attack, and that was the reason I used it in the first position. By the time the enrage increased the melee to 5 from 3; when the Grunt attacked Flesh Golem, It reduced its health from 12 to 2, I. e it damaged 10 from Flesh Golem.

Before placing the Grunt in the first position, I considered the health of the monster. I knew it wouldn't be easy to destroy the Grunt in the first round because of its health.
And the best position to attack was first position. That was the best position for the Grunt in this battle. Using The Grunt in any position rather than first position is a waste of a monster in this battle because it won't do anything.
I knew that only monster that could attack the Grunt in the battle were monster in the first position; the rest would attack Mycelic Slipspawn. This strategy was to make Grunt stay longer in this battle.

Mycelic Slipspawn
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 2 🚤🚤
Ability: Taunt
Health: 12 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 9
The only thing I could do to make the Grunt stay longer in this battle was to include a monster with Taunt ability. That was the reason I brought Mycelic Slipspawn into this battle.
I knew that without Mycelic Slipspawn in this battle, Grunt won't reach the second round. Hence, the best thing I could do was to bring Mycelic Slipspawn.
With the help of Mycelic Slipspawn, Grunt was able to reach fourth round in this battle.

Regal Peryton
Splinter: Earth 🌍🌎
Level: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 6 🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Flying
Health: 6 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 5
Regal Peryton was very important in this battle because of the option I was given. Thank God I didn't use two range monsters, It would have been difficult to win the battle.
Regal Speed was one of the advantages over other monsters. I wanted to choose Mushroom Seer instead of Regal Peryton but the speed made me select Regal Peryton.
It was the monster that started the attack as a result of high speed; that is the reason it is good to use monsters with highest speed in the battle except when we are giving reverse speed.
Spirit Shaman
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 4 🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Stun and Divide shield
Health: 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 4
without Spirit Shaman in this battle, there was no way I could win. as the monster stunned opponent monsters, double damage was done to the opponent! monsters. It was the Biggest reason why Kron the Undying was destroyed in this battle.
When Kron the Undying led the lineup, without Spirit Shaman it wouldn't be destroyed.
When Kron The Undying led the attack, its power was too much for any monster in my lineup to eliminate it. But, the stun ability of Spirit Shaman stopped the monster.

Beatrix Ironhand
Splinter: Earth
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 4 🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Close Range
Health: 6 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Range
Mana: 6
This monster was once my best and favorite monster. It was a must-used monster once upon the time; I used Beatrix Ironhand in every four battles. This made my hand faster to select the monster even when it is not needed.
It wasn't needed in this battle but I selected it; This happened because I used it often.
The monster was eliminated by fire and regret; which simply means I shouldn't have used the monster in this battle.
Many magic monsters were available when I selected Beatrix Ironhand.

Spirit Hoarder
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 1 ⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: Triage
Health: 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 3

The more Mycelic Slipspawn stay longer in this battle, the more Grunt stays longer. And the best way to make Mycelic Slipspawn stays longer before it was eliminated, was to include a monster with triage ability. that was the reason I brought Spirit Hoarder into this battle.

Spirit Hoarder kept on healing the health of Mycelic Slipspawn until it led the lineup.

🔥🔥Round One🔥🔥

The First monster that attacked was Regal Peryton; and it attacked Flesh Golem. By the time it attacked Flesh Golem, the enrage ability increased the melee and speed of Flesh Golem. Increased in the speed of Flesh Golem made it to be the second monster that attacked. By the time it attacked the Grunt, the melee and the speed of the Grunt increased.
That made the Grunt the third monster to attack; by the time Grunt attacked, 10 health was damaged from Flesh Golem.
Flesh Golem was eliminated in the first round which distorted Vampiric Blossom to attack because it was the second monster and also a ranged monster.
Though, Mycelic Slipspawn was damaged but certain numbers of health was restored by Spirit Hoarder.

🔥🔥 Round Two🔥🔥

Two monsters were eliminated at once by Grund in this round- Vampiric Blossom and Wood Nymph. By the end of round two Goblin Psychic was eliminated.

At this round, I still had my six monsters- none was eliminated. My opponent lineup was left with two monsters- Fungus Flinger and Kron the Undying.

🔥🔥Round Three🔥🔥

The moment Fungus Flinger was eliminated, The stats of Korn the Undying increased by the Martyr ability when Fungus Flinger was eliminated and the last stand ability of Scarred Llama Mage increased the magic attack to 6, speed to 5 and health to 20.

It was really hard to kill Kron the Undying, but finally died in round 5 with the help of stun ability.

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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge
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