Returning The Favor

in Hive Learners22 days ago

image.png A few years back I believe taken for Chinese New year from my mom's album on Facebook. Can you spot me?

As kids grow up, most parents take care of them. It's technically their responsibility since they "made" the kid. When parents get old, it is expected from most cultures for the children to take care of their parents provided the parents are unable to take care of themselves. Is it truly their responsibility to take care of their aging parent? I will share my opinion on this expectation.

Coming from a Chinese background, there is a huge focus on family and the elderly. Whenever we have family gatherings, it's normal to greet the elders. From my mom's side, most of the family will listen to our grandpa. He is quite stubborn and behind the times. He does try to pass his wisdom always to us grandchildren which sometimes is questionable but we understand that his intention is good. At the moment, my grandparents are living with my uncles and cousins. My whole family (children and grandchildren) takes care of my grandma and grandpa. We would help them walk on the road by giving our hand as support, take them to the doctor etc.

So what do I think of this. I think as a child or grandchild, we should be there to take care of our aging parents or grandparents. For me, they took great care of me and I should return the favor when they are getting old. I've mentioned in many of my previous posts how my mom did a great job taking care of my brother and I in a foreign country by herself. My dad came a bit later into helping me in life. I still think he was slightly irresponsible by not following my mom to the states but the past is the past. He's been helping me a lot here in Malaysia. My grandma spoiled me a lot too when I was younger. I still think I'm lowkey her favorite grandchild. As for my grandpa, I remember him taking me to eat a lot of nice food and giving me some big hongbaos (red packets) for Chinese New Year.

Fortunately for me, I believe they don't need my financial support because they worked hard in their life and saved up money if I'm not mistaken. I guess I could see some people argue about having the financial burden of taking care. I think even if my parents/grandparents needed the financial support in the future I would try my best even though it could be tough on me. Luckily, I have siblings and cousins that can help out so I wouldn't be alone. They do deserve to be taken care of though. I would rather not have them go to a senior center but after recently touring one called Sunway Sanctuary, it doesn't seem that bad to go to a senior center. They take great care of the elders. I was also shocked to find out that the whole staff was trained in health procedures to be able to respond to anything.

As for what I'm doing in preparation of my old age, I haven't thought that far ahead. At the moment, I'm just trying to make as much money as I can so I can use the money to work for me. I would do my best to have a decent financial so if I had children they wouldn't need to worry about that. I would also have a will and set up all the payments for a funeral in advance if I had one. Recently, my dad told me that he already paid for his body to be burned to ashes for him and my stepmom. This makes me think it's important to try to settle the payments for my death too when I get older.

In conclusion, as children & grandchildren, I believe we should do what we can to support our parents and grandparents as they are aging. It doesn't have to only be financial but can be as simple as spending time with them and taking care of them.

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 22 days ago  

See how much grandpa spoiled you, 😄..I love the fact that your parents and grandparents have been working hard to be okay financially.. returning the favor is something worth doing no matter how comfortable our parents are. Aside money, we can be there to support them with love and care and even pray for them. Only ungrateful child will forget the past in a hurry. Parents go through a lot to nurture the children and it's just beautiful for the children to do the needful without being told

Spotting you in the above pic looks difficult, I mean you guys look alike, XD

 22 days ago  

o.o i did give the answer in one of the comments :P

Yes exactly. there's more than just money. it's hard to say tho some kids get mistreated and prob dont have the closeness to their parents or anymore contact. it's hard to say i think theres stories where that does happen and I would probably agree with their decision to cut ties if it wasnt healthy for them o.o.

You are a parent already tho so i think everythign will happen sooner for u :P

 22 days ago  

Yea, I have many stories of parents overlooking their children's welfare, leaving the child to fend for himself at tender age. Some of these children end up soiling their hands to evil just to succeed, while some strive and work hard to the of the day, thinking about their parents will be a forgotten issue ..only few can do that.

Personally, I will love to plan for my old age without bothering my kids, God's willing. I wouldn't want to be a burden to them, they have their life to live..but as far as we play parental role to them, any sensible child will remember their parents regardless of how comfortable they are, either by kind or money

 22 days ago  

Yea, I have many stories of parents

wow so u will have stories for us in hangout time O.O. ya it happens everywhere thtas kidna what hapepns when theres nobody to guide them.

What's your plan. I mean you could be a hive millionaire maybe and ull be good. Maybe have enough hbd to just live off interest O.O?

any sensible child will remember their parents regardless of how comfortable they are, either by kind or money

for sure depending on how they were treated?

 22 days ago  

I am happy to hear your parents and grandparents have been working hard to be ok financially, and you returning the favour is something worth it. We have some parents that would struggle in life to nurture and raise their children but the child would turn out to be ungrateful to them. We must do the needful to our parents after all the suffering they passed through.

 22 days ago  

Thank you TT. Yes, they've done a good job. now it's my turn to also do good as I'm growing older.

Yes we have to be grateful~. We must take care of our family. That's how it is for me. Are you a parent?

 22 days ago  

You've said it all bro, as children we should always do what we can to support our parents even when they have the resource.

Next week is my mom's birthday and I and my siblings already planned a surprise package just a little token of appreciation which is definitely not a big deal. It is only an immature child that won't support his or her parents.

 21 days ago  

Yes yes we must do what we can to support them if they need it cuz they also helped many years of our life growing up

Wow a surprise package? You mean like delivery?

 21 days ago  

Yes it going to be a home delivery cause I still live with my mom and don't want to raise any form of alarm.

 21 days ago  

oh i see what did u guys get flowers/?

 21 days ago  


A birthday cake, wrapper and a pair of shoe.

 21 days ago  

oh wow that's nice too! Hope it goes well or went well if it alr past haha

 22 days ago  

I kind of felt bad about that part where you mentioned your dad. Happy heavenly pulled through.

Well it seems you have a very extended family and it's nice to see that everyone has taken the obligation upon themselves to take care of the early (your grandparents). This is not so in my country. Most times, it is left to one person to do this (taking care of my grandparents).

 22 days ago  

it happens. it's ok haha I'm staying with him now and he's good.

Oh ya I have a big family on my moms side. My grandma has 5 sisters and 6 brothers :D. Sorry to hear that for your country. It takes some people but that can be changed if you pass it onto your children or be the start~. which country you from by the way?

 22 days ago  

11 siblings that's a complete football team himself included. Lol

Glad to hear about your dad

repping The Giant of Africa

 22 days ago  

oh ya they had a football team o.o but i think that's normal for a lot of families during that boomer time period.

What's the giant of africa

 22 days ago  

I completely agree with you on this, and I'm glad to hear that your family is so supportive of your grandparents.

It's great that you're taking the time to help them with daily tasks and ensure they're comfortable. I'm sure they appreciate all that you're doing for them.

I'm a bit jealous that your grandpa used to take you out to eat and give you big hongbaos... Hehehe

 22 days ago  

o.o did you not have a grandpa :(? that's sad.

Well it's mostly my cousin / uncle/aunt cuz they live them but ya. I'm actually having a family dinner tmr :3 so it should be good. Hope you have a good mother's day as well with your mom :)


am I right ?

 22 days ago  

OMG NO thats my cousin. I'm in the blueshirt 2 people above the one u circled haaha

 22 days ago  

u make me laugh alok haha i guess all asians look same

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Recently, my dad told me that he already paid for his body to be burned to ashes for him and my stepmom.

I didn't even knew that this was possible.

 22 days ago  

that you can pay in advance to get your body burned to ashes when you die?


 22 days ago (edited) 

oh now u know xD. u can get it done if u have the money O.O . my dad spent i think 2k if converted to USD for it