“Embrace the uniqueness, don’t try to fit into someone else’s mold.”

in Hive Learners4 months ago

I find it very strange how our life has greatly been influenced by people around us. Family, Friends Relatives Society is what actually rules the individual life. Especially, when an individual are born in a middle class conservative family. Our choices, cloths, lifestyle is what been controlled and determined by other people.

"Log kya kahaenge" - "what people will say" 

I brought up listening to this famous phrases. It is very strange that we are not allowed to live our life the way we want to be. (except the case when you born with enough money in pocket to be considered as god). May be it is the cult of being a social animal is what pushing people to live life as per others choices and likings.

(my own edited image)

Society Psychology

For better or worse, our choices as human beings tend to be impacted by messages from society, culture, family, and friends. I find myself ignoring my inner voice and knowledge of for many years because of the society i lives. I denied infact I forgot who I truly am and pretended to be what society wanted me to be in all these decades.

To live life their way is exactly like a routine things. The cycle goes like :

Grades -> Job/Earnings -> Marriage -> Children -> Social Work -> Die

In middle of all these pre-defined cycle set up by the society, we have to behave, no free speech, and we cannot voice your opinions. We must obey and listen to everything what people say or we would be outcasted, ignored or not even respected. We cannot be different because it is weird and strange which is not acceptable in the society and they are ready to judge at any hour of the day. There is always a pressure to live accordingly. It is like living under the knife.

Living Stressfully

Caught between our own ideas or desires, and the opinions of others can lead to feelings of stress and inadequacy. These pressure like situation is termed as Societal pressures, which is nothing except the "*expectations of the entire community or specific parts of it that affects our life. Few examples to talk about are like the pressure to get married, have children, etc. Societal pressure can also be the feeling that we should live our life according to other's narratives. It can be the direct influence of other people on our thoughts, desires, and actions.

We have already adapted to this human psychology that everything should be done after considering all the outside factors. In other words the action will not deter or harm feeling and sentiments of others. Social pressure can be hard to resist. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to rebel against all social pressure.

(my own edited image)

Not all are bad

Depending on our living environment, Social pressure can be an important factor in our lives. No one can be entirely immune to social pressure, maintaining the ability to make independent choices is a little extra something that can help us avoid falling into harmful behaviors. Being able to make independent choices instead of succumbing to this kind of pressure from others can be an important life skill. Social Pressure is not the only thing that influences our decisions. The advantages of being a humn beingbis to have the ability to make up our own minds about things, and we can still decide for ourselves whether to conform to what others are demanding or choose our own paths. However, it is sometimes easier said than done.

Vicious Society circle

As said, it is not easy to get away with all the social stigma. Time to time, they are alwsys up to make an impact in our life. It been decades that, they rules over my emotions and feeling and even now they are trying to get over my financial condition. When I was earning, they were alwsys curious to know for my pay package. And now as I am not working, they are pointing fingers on my situation. A person is good till they earns and it's useless the moment they stop making money. May money is the main status indicator of the society. They themselves set the norms and expect us to live as per that norms.

Pressure handling

But this time, I am not taking the pressure in negative ways. May be there is something better written un my destiny. There is always certain advantages of taking the Societal pressure in positive ways. Pressure is what define the persons character, and such societal pressure can actually lead us to find a good career, a handosome pay. But it order to avoid the pressure I usually leave it to deal in common ways like,

  • Move away from the situation.

  • I avoid mingling with random people who were more of that nuissance character.

  • I found a better support in the form #hive which keeps me occupied.

  • I reach out to my trusty contacts and talk and share. They are readily available for me

  • Using humour to deflect pressure or attention.

  • I pretend not to be pressured

In short, a positive Outlook to life in tough situation definitely helps in overcoming the pressure situation. And I am exactly doing that. It is alwsys better avoid such pressure and not let them to get over our mind for a #mindfullife.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What a good topic you raised. For a long time I suffered that social pressure, not only from the environment but also from my own family. I have always been the black sheep of the same .... different, maybe because of my way of thinking, but with time I learned to handle that pressure as you mentioned. That will always exist, it depends on us how we take it.😀

 4 months ago  

Witch's know how to tackle the situation smartly...🤫🤫 listening to them over and over will surely put us in negativity while at the same time avoiding them will surely help us in keeping motivated...that is what matters most.

Witches adapt well to circumstances, having one around is not always a bad thing hahahaha they cast powerful spells! hahahaa

 4 months ago  

I am yet to get the spell power..seem I m not yet been noticed.....

By choosing our own path. That means we are the only responsible on what we did if it was success or failure. Otherwise by listening to others and getting into their daily pressure for sure that will destroy us. Best thing is listen to them and do what you want😁 nice post fren👍

 4 months ago  

There is no harm in taking inputs...rather than lettingbthe pressure getting over the head, use the pressure for own advantages mindfully...our society are concerned about others rather than looking in own stuffs.

that's the point fren. we should all mind our own business.

 4 months ago  

Societal pressure is a normal but how you handle is akk that matters, do you bend to it or stand your ground?

 4 months ago (edited) 

There is alwsys solution to everything. We need to analyze and need to find out a way to tackle the situation....like the pressure of getting married can be delayed ...that is upto you how you make them belive on your occupancy

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 4 months ago  

Grades -> Job/Earnings -> Marriage -> Children -> Social Work -> Die

O.O i understand this but i think times have changed. theres actually quite a number of people not interested in getting married lately. at lesat im seeing it around my age @_@

i like how u gave some backgroundo n it and defined it :D

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