Making big moves, Think Calmly !

in Hive Learners5 months ago

“Every decision you make reflects your evaluation of who you are.”Marianne Williamson

Writing this post took a good of my time. I was clueless, confused and unable to figure out what to write. Various factors were rounding up in the mind. Honestly, manyatimes making decsion is the hardest thing one could have in life. Deciding, on the points to writs, elaborating on the various points and finally, if we get the the desired rewards on the post or not. So many factors needed to consider before I began writing. Decision making is a tough job, and it matters a lot, when something is at stake. In my case it was rewards that the post generate.


As I said, every decision that we take ends up with the final outcome or the results of the action based on the decision that we made. It appears that making decision is an easy things to do. Like what comes in mind just do it. But that is the act of foolishness because there are many repercussion of the action. A mature head always try to understand, the situation, analyze the different possible outcomes and then act to make a favourable outcomes. If we needed to defines the decision making system then it ends up with "the process of choosing between options." Sometimes it is a easy process but many a times the more complex the decision, the more factors we will need to consider. Taking the example of my situation on writing, I have to think over various factors like from word limit to audience to rewards. Based on that I choosed upon writing this piece. (which I assume is no heading nowhere till now) . Basically, my decision on writing this peice gone through following steps :

  • Identifying my sole purpose of makjng decision. I.e to write.
  • Gathering Input, I went through all the possible information available to me, or even from outside source.
  • Looked upon any other alternatives. Like any other topic for today or simply carry on with this topic.
  • Considering sharing a proper evidence. Like sharing my example of writing piece or other major life event.
  • Started working upon the content. After analyzing the various above factors
  • Lastly, my action depends upon the consequences. So reviews it in the last is the important steps. Once done I will review my work thoroughly.

Decision making can be a a quick or time taking. It all depends upon the situation. Many a times asks for a quick decision making. But attires such decision does not gives you a fruitful results. As we get very little time to respond to the requirements. On the hand a time taking decision alwsys comes up with a positive outcome, as the person gets enough time to analyze rhe situation and get to result. It depends upon the different scenarios to decide what is good and what is bad.

In case the decsion does not get the desired result, it is better to mug up the process time and again to find out the complexities and lagging so as to find out a better way of doing the things and getting the desired results.


Namaste @steemflow

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Decision making can be a a quick or time taking. It all depends upon the situation.

Totally agree, many times it is simple but other times it is necessary to take adequate time and consider all the possible variables, to take care of the consequences.

 5 months ago  

what big moves you making man tell us :P

 5 months ago  

I am slow in decision making. I think I take decision under the shadow of others. That's bad. I think one reason behind this behavior is that I remain fearful of consequences.

And another thing is decision making is that, if you have enough time to ponder on a decision, most time you end up making a better decisions but decisions made in a hurry are not always good.