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RE: The Spring Is Here!

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago (edited)

I guess we are far off that at the moment.

(here I could insert as much lol icons as you can bear).

Gibbon's is a classical study. 👍 And can take 1-2 years to read accurately, to process fruitfully all the story given. I am not 100% sure but it may be dated in some way (as historical science did not stand still after this study was written) - but still its a great book and entertaining reading that influenced a lot of our venerable ancestors. Ofc, I wish you a happy reading. !BEER

Venice history attracts me more from its political and economical history aspects rather than esthetical (city on the water etc).


I can understand that for sure, there is so much history there and many small nuances which seemed to come from this era.. I do think that it is all connected to the art renaissance also, spawning from the basic economic functioning. I hope you might share any good findings you make.

Sure thing! I find not only !PIZZA but other good stuff as well, including good books 🐈