"Whirlwind: An Abstract Revelation"

in OnChainArt3 months ago

"Whirlwind: An Abstract Revelation"

Hello Hive family!

Today I would love to share with you the final result of my latest painting.

In the last post I shared wh ![photo_2024-03-09_15-36-41.jpg]() en I started painting it. You can read and see about it in here:

New abstract painting. New beginnings.

As I commented, I just started to paint in a painting studio with a teacher giving us some tips..

I need to learn and to practice more to get more skilled and be able to find my style. But to be the first one I like the result. What do you think?

After trying, different approaches and finding a good proportion to the eyes, that was the result, the first picture.

And the following are the pictures of the progress.. As you can see I tried different things that I didn't like so I painted on top a few times until I was satisfied

And after trying different colours and strokes.. again this was the final result!

I hope you liked my post. Please, say hi in the comments I want to hear from you all!

If you like what you see please support my work here:



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