Announcement Ask Anime Week #17 Winners, How will you get isekai'd?


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Week #17, How Will You Get Isekai'd?

We added extra rewards this time.
The following comments have been selected:

@jessuses1381‘s comment

If I were an isekai protagonist, I would be transported to another world while playing a video game, this as a result of a power failure, because in my country (Venezuela) the electricity goes out a lot. Surely I would be playing, and when fighting the final boss, an electrical failure would occur, I would end up impacted by the energy and I would end up inside the video game. And in this way I would start my new adventure haha. 😅

@x5ksub30‘s comment

Ironically, I would go on vacation and that would lead to me surviving a plane crash that kills most of the passengers, washing up on a remote island with only a basketball (named Wiruson), and being away for months from here, surviving off of God's green earth. My rescuers would be an alien race of octopi from the planet Thelma, only saving me because they saw me in a classic television series that they believed was a religious sermon of some type. The kicker: what would kill me would be none other than how bad the wireless internet would be in space.

@ridgette‘s comment

Most probably, I'd get isekai'd by drowning because, in my almost two decades of existence, I shamefully still don't know how to swim. I almost got drowned way back then, and since it's summer here in our country, the timing is impeccable! The scenario will be that I'll join my classmates in their night swimming, then I'll drown, and while submerging further down the depths of the sea, memories of my life will flashback, then slowly I'll lose consciousness, and next thing I know, I'm awake and alive in the body of a man! (Heh, I've always wondered how it is to be a man, so if I get isekai'd, then why not be one?)

@mandysmoon‘s comment

I'm probably gonna say something very typical, but I can definitely see myself getting isekai'd by getting lost in a magical forest, wandering around and suddenly finding another magical and unknown world. Basically because I love forests but also because I know I get lost very easily. My sense of orientation doesn't work xD

@tegoshei‘s comment

I'd get isekai'd as I accidentally stepped on a land mine... 💥
Then, I'd get transported to an underwater world where a different kind of population live and I found myself being one of them (human form but can easily and normally live underwater like in NagiAsu). Our species are then to head out on an adventure to discover what's on the surface. 😎✨

A total of 6 Hive has been distributed.
Yeah we just want to feel more generous but don't count on this as a regular occurrence.


Thank you very much, it was a pleasure to participate! 😃

Thank you so much! It's always great to participate 🖤

Thank you @theanimerealm (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡, I really appreciate it!