The projection of the Earth ❤️ Amonet (EN-ES)

in Alien Art Hive4 months ago


I opened my eyes and my mind had been transferred with an avatar to a distant time. A time when the earth was different. Nothing of what we know today existed and yet something inhabited the earth.

Thanks to my avatar I was able to move and move around, to travel through that unknown place. I didn't know what time it was, or what year, but I was sure it was the Earth. Or so I thought at that first moment.

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Everything in that place had almost the same colour, between red and purple, and an electricity floated in the atmosphere. It felt like a faint but constant buzzing like a current passing through the air.

I was wearing a suit just in case, a suit that sheltered me, creating the necessary conditions for my avatar to stay alive.

On my way I encountered large structures between round and oval, with large... eyes always watching me. A city at the far end could be seen.

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As I travelled through the terrain, strange ships with lights and more eyes came into my path. Everything seemed to be absolutely controlled, every corner of this planet.... I already doubted that it was earth.

I entered the supposed city and more floating spheres came out to meet me, but they all had different shapes. The only thing most of them had in common was their terrifying gazes.

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Lights shooting up from the surface and shooting off the planet, but where were they going?
I had the feeling that they were carrying something.

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Suddenly one of those eye-shaped ships stared at me, as if analysing me, and behind it I could see moons, many moons that varied in their colours as various paths opened up before me. I decided to explore.

I followed one of these paths, but nothing good came of it. The atmosphere began to change and I began to hear some very strange, mechanical sounds.

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There seemed to be some vegetation, but the ships, or whatever they were, began to take shapes, very strange shapes. Their eyes were changing and their body, if you could call it a body, was like a kind of spider.

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They were all different, but they were interconnected as they all watched me and surrounded me, even without doing anything to me.

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One above all impressed me, its gaze was penetrating and threatening, from inside it rays of lightning were shooting out. I had the feeling that the whole planet was a web of lightning and electricity that interconnected each one of those beings, many of them seemed mechanical.

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The legs of these spiders, some of them grew more menacing. I couldn't see spider webs, I think they were supported by that electrical web. As scary as that planet was, it was fascinating.

For the moment I was safe, none of these creatures seemed to want to attack me.

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That path led to another and with it different creatures, first I thought I saw giant ants, then other insects like locusts, but they also looked like praying mantises.

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Their size was considerable and from their eyes again came that electricity, those rays that intercommunicated them with each other.

Some had very big heads and others were just like giant insects.

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The new path took me to another city, but this time the beings that were there looked like beetles and now I could see part of their metallic bodies as if they were made of metal.

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Some had only one eye and others had two. The energy vibrating in the atmosphere was enigmatic. I wondered what they were all doing and if it was a planet of giant insects or just a hallucination.

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When I left those strange cities I found a landscape with mountains, moons or planets floating in the air and more eyes, but in this case oriented to a specific place.

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I tried to follow the path of that eye and it led me to a big sphere that floated, it was huge and from it came light, a lot of light. The feeling of electricity was even greater in that place and it was focused on that sphere.

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When I reached the place, I could see that from that sphere the light was redirected elsewhere. When I looked up I realised that I was not at that moment on Earth but on the planet that gave it life and controlled it.

All I could think was... What Earth?

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All images were generated by WOMBO with HDR v3 style.

The words I used to generate the images were: sci-fi, planet, alien, two moons, red and violet, space-time portal, alien city, eyes, arachnid, praying mantis, hercules beetle, electric atmosphere.

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Some captures of the generation of the exposed images.

alien planeta 1.jpgalien planeta 5.jpgalien planeta 6.jpg
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Separador Amonet rosa.png

The images were retouched in light and contrast using Photoshop CS6.
All the writing is of my invention and authorship.
Separators created by me in Photoshop
Used translator free version

Separador Amonet rosa.png


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Me gustan los aliens de tipo insecticide y xenomorfo...combinaste ambos y quedo espectacular...el.ambiente uff los colores deberías producir una peli de ciencia ficción jeje

Viste lo que hace la combinación de palabras? Quedó fabuloso, me encantó el resultado y los colores los elegís así pero no se porque jajaja, me encanta la "ciencia ficción"!🤣

Hay algo muy parecido a la tierra en ese planeta. Todos los ojos te miran, siempre te sientes observado. Las imágenes están demasiado geniales. Me encantan las tonalidades violetas.

Cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia.🤣 "ciencia ficción"??

El violeta es transmutación y cambio, me encanta!!!

Good afternoon dear friend @avdesing
If I had been there, I would have also said that it was about Earth, where because of our bad actions, beings from other galaxies have come to save us from ourselves.
What a beautiful job, I love what you have done and the color combination.
Have a wonderful afternoon

I love it when interpretations are made of what I imagine, that's another option and I love it!

Thank you always @jlufer ❤️

Hi @avdesign, Interesting planet 👁️‍🗨️👽, I wonder if there could be another ray ⚡ from another planet 🪐controlling the planet that controls the Earth. A network of planetary rays controlling planets controlling planets controlling other planets... I think the images and the story have driven me a little crazy🤪. Saludos

Everything could be science fiction.... although I don't know if everything is science fiction hahaha anything could happen!!!!🤣

Everything is uncertain, it could be SF or it could be reality, or partly real, but what is certain is that it is not Malaga, I have not even seen a church!!! 🤣

hahahaha noooo Malaga no.... but I don't even know if this city is real... what is real and what is not? That's the point.
There are no churches!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Of course that is the point, what is real and what is not. We only know that it is not Malaga, there are no churches and there are no Christs with big eyes, what uncertainty, what madness, what fear!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Definitely!!! There are no Christs!🤣

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good evening!

just imagine that these giant bugs start appearing in the world we live in today, that would be catastrophic, good job amonet by the way I loved the ants.

Can you imagine? It would be a real chaos! Thanks Monica!❤️

These are some great illustrations and imaginative text.


I was inspired by your work, which I find very inspiring! Although not the same theme, thanks to you!

That image is one of my favourites too!😃

It's an honour. Thank you!

Thank you to you!

Thank you very much @eve66 😃