Hello Hive Commuinty Hello Hive Watchers We understand that some may have perceived us as scammers or spammers, but we are not we are far from it. At Bilpcoin we track down malicious and bad activities on Hive

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

Hello, the Bilpcoin team, would like to give a sincere apology to the Hive community we are sorry if we have caused any harm unintentionally it was not the goal. We wanted to emphasize that we are not afraid of downvotes and firmly believe that they hold no real value in the world and also they are being used badly. At Bilpcoin, we work together as a united and joyful team, and we are committed to supporting Hive's organic growth, not fake growth.

We understand that some may have perceived us as scammers or spammers, but we are not we are far from it. At Bilpcoin we track down malicious and bad activities on Hive, but not only on Hive elsewhere as well. We genuinely want to contribute to Hive's growth and prosperity, and we are confident that we can do so by working together with everyone in the community.

We humbly request that you let us continue with what we are doing. We promise not to tag anyone anymore as long as downvotes cease. We are good people with nothing to hide, and we do not power down any Hive. Our transactions are open for all to see we have nothing to hide.

We were proud to be a part of the Hive community and we have a team just like other tribes. We believe that we should be treated equally and respectfully as others are. We hope that our actions will speak louder than words and that we can continue to work together towards the betterment of Hive for all.

The Bilpcoin team crafted this NFT with the help of AI.

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