Ayutthaya Part 2 - Wat Yai Chai Mongkon

in Pinmapple2 months ago


Our visit to the temple complex named "Wat Yai Chai Mongkon" in Ayutthaya, after a long car journey from Bangkok, was a welcomed opportunity to stretch our legs. Upon arrival, our Grab taxi dropped us off at the bus parking in front of the entrance, and we ventured into the temple complex. The first sight that greeted us was a large reclining Buddha, and we subsequently made our way into the large central temple. The site was moderately populated with tourists, not too crowded but lively enough.

Climbing the steep stairs into the temple, we, like many other visitors, threw some Baht into a deep shaft. This act of donating money in Thai temple complexes is deeply rooted in Buddhist practices and beliefs. The motivation behind such donations is multifaceted, encompassing both spiritual merit-making and practical support for the temple's upkeep.

In Buddhism, merit-making is a core concept where individuals perform good deeds to accumulate merit for a better rebirth and ultimately attain enlightenment. Donating money to temples is considered a significant act of generosity, one of the primary means of making merit. It reflects the donor's detachment from material wealth and their dedication to supporting the Buddhist monastic community. This support extends beyond the maintenance of the physical structures; it helps in the preservation of the Buddha's teachings and the provision of resources for monks who reside in these temples.

The practice also embodies the Thai cultural emphasis on 'Tham Bun,' which translates to 'making merit.' This cultural and religious practice is deeply ingrained in Thai society, with temples serving as focal points for spiritual and communal life. The act of donating, especially in sacred sites like "Wat Yai Chai Mongkon," is not just a personal spiritual endeavor but a communal effort contributing to the welfare of the religious community and the preservation of Buddhist traditions.









After our donation and further exploration of the temple's surrounding platform, which offered a comprehensive view of the entire complex and its numerous other structures, we spent about an hour soaking in the spiritual and historical atmosphere of the place. We then moved on to another intriguing temple complex, known for its Buddha head entwined within the roots of a tree, continuing our journey through Thailand's rich cultural and religious landscape.

This act of throwing Baht into a shaft, observed during our visit, is emblematic of the deeper spiritual and cultural practices that underpin Thai Buddhism. It showcases the enduring tradition of merit-making and the vital role of temples in Thai society as centers of spiritual growth and community support.








Date: December 2023
Photos: by @louis88
Camera: Sony Alpha 7 III
Lens: Sony 70-200 f2, Sony 16-35 f4 Zeiss

GREETINGS - @louis88



You can see how vegetation is crawling the structure but I bet it's so well built it can take another 100 years, it's amazing how this old structures can resist weather so well, they don't make them like that anymore 😅 look like you had some fun ✌️

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The place looks so good and you look so happy visiting that temple @louis88. Keep safe always

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