Walking through Plasencia old city center

in Pinmapple17 days ago


A few days ago, on my way to Portugal, I made a quick stop in Plasencia, a midsize town with about 40K inhabitants, barely 1hr away from my destination village. The city is located in the Extremadura region of Spain which borders the Portuguese regions of Beira and Alentejo. The city was hosting a craft beer fair in town and I thought it would be a good place to stop after a 9-hour drive. I didn't want to spend too much time as I still had an hour to reach my end destination and wanted to have daylight to set everything up. So it was just a quick tour.
Here's another view of the aqueduct and the park around it.


I left my car in a parking lot, it was packed with stuff from home and I didn't want to run into any issues while walking in the city so I had to walk to the beer fair crossing the city center which ended up being a nice way to enjoy some of its sights.

Here's a shot of one of the narrow streets with the ancient fresh market at the end.


Apparently, I was visiting during some local fest and there was a little train you could get into to sightsee the city center.


I like how many Spanish cities have renewed their city centers letting no cars in. You can freely walk around and get lost in a labyrinth of tiny streets



After some walk I ended up reaching the main plaza full of bars with their terraces packed.


And a collection of tiny houses selling artisan stuff.


One of the main buildings I found in the plaza was the city hall


After crossing it I stumbled upon Plaza Sosa which translates to "boring square". Not sure why it ended up getting this name but I liked the building on one of its sides


I also stumbled upon this old cinema with an antique filming machine on its balcony


After some 20 minutes walking I finally reached the place where the beer fair was taking place.


It was still the morning and very hot, the temperature was above 30ºC, that is the reason not too many people were there. These beer fairs usually get full of people in the afternoon and evening. About 10 different breweries were offering their beer.


Here's La Ruta del Lupulo Foodtruck which are the guys organizing the fair. They are responsible for several fairs in the area and drive their truck to every one of them.


And a board with instructions on how the beer fair works for those visiting for the first time.


Below are shots from some of the participating breweries and food trucks



On my way back to the parking I was able to shoot some pictures of the ancient city walls



I crossed a park with a fantastic city view


And also one of the city cathedrals



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The craft beer fair must have been a refreshing treat after your long drive. your photos really capture the essence of the old city center. 😘

It was a nice refreshing way to relax after the long drive and the heat! 😅

it's needed!!

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