We visited the first "Big Bench" in Romania in the village with only three families

in Pinmapple25 days ago

We visited the first "Big Bench" in Romania in the village with only three families


Hello travellers from all over the world

This past weekend we (Orthodox) celebrated Easter so we had a few days off including Monday (06.05.2024) of course I couldn't stay at home so I searched through my diary of places nearby that I wanted to visit and found that I had written "Big Bench" there.

And yes, I looked up the place on the map and saw that it was somewhere around 30 kilometers away, I was a bit confused why the gps shows me that this distance will take me more than an hour, but it's no problem as I'm not rushing anywhere, and I'll see on the spot what it's all about.

The first 20 kilometers were paved and yes, we covered them very quickly, it was Monday, the day after Easter, the road was not crowded.

But the situation changed when I had to cover the last 10 kilometers, here I came across an unpaved road that was full of areas quite difficult to cover with a small car, but my ladybug coped.

At one point I was driving on a road in the middle of the forest, I felt like in a dream, strange is that after I entered the village where the bank is built I did not meet people, but I met only a few animals.














Only after searching on the internet I found out that the village was inhabited by only three families (somewhere around 7-8 inhabitants), I was amazed when I saw that, it was so close to me and I didn't know that, that's how I found the answer to my question, how come I didn't meet people on the streets of the village.






The Big Bench is built on private land, but it was not a problem to visit it is free, only access by car is forbidden to the top.

The Big Bench is built on the highest peak in the village so it manages to give you an amazing view of the surroundings and its location is well signposted.












The bank is part of a global project to support tourism.
The bank inaugurated in Romania is 2.40 metres high and 3.20 metres wide. It is made of pine wood and painted red with eco-friendly paint.
Beyond its unusual design, this bench was more than just a piece of street furniture. It became an integral part of the collective community experience, inviting people to feel like children, enjoy the beauty of the landscape and change their perspective on the world around them.
Over time, this idea has inspired others to create giant banks. Thus, the Big Bench Community Project (BBCP) was born in 2015, with a mission to promote and support the building of these giant benches while maintaining their authentic, non-profit spirit.
To make the experience of visiting the giant banks even more memorable, BBCP has introduced the Big Bench Passport. Each Giant Bench is represented by a special stamp on the passport, which not only reminds you of that unique location, but also provides a fun way to collect memories. Thus, a real cultural phenomenon has grown out of an unusual idea, encouraging people to look at the world with new eyes and discover beauty in familiar things.
The representatives of Agrovillage&Labașinț Forest want this bench to be a symbol of the rebirth of a community that has lived here for hundreds of years. From here, the future of this region begins, with its special flora and fauna, one of the greenest areas in the west of this country, where people return, in well-established conditions, in harmony with nature.









I spent about an hour here and managed to take some pictures from the drone but also to look at the surrounding nature and flora here.







Have you ever experienced listening to nature?




That's what we did, we sat and listened to the sound of nature, I don't know if there is anything more beautiful in the world, nature has so much to say.







Here we are at the end of this post about the 318th Big Bench in Europe.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21) and my drone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


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