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RE: (Esp/Eng) Guillermo Del Toro´s cabinet of curiosities (Review without spoilers)

I liked the episodes about the guys with the portraits, the one about the autopsy (this one was the best for me) and the one with the wealthy people reunited inside some type of bunker. However, the ones with the talking rat and the woman obsessed with beauty and physical appearance where too awful (not in a good sense of horror) for my taste 😅


Ohh you saw it. Excellent . The one with the alien was grotesque... the one with the rat where the Harry Potter one comes out, I didn't like it very much... and the other one you mentioned, the one with the taxidermy, made me want to vomit but I liked it hahaha, very creepy... the best one for me It was the one about the rats under the cemetery. Thank you for reading and sharing your favorite chapters with me.