Top Gainer! Hive tops the world

in LeoFinance22 days ago

Top Gainer!


Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 22.16.49.png

I fired up my wallet and noticed Hive had a little pump. Nice. I thought nothing of it. A little later, while looking at some prices on Binance, I noticed the very familiar logo in the Top Gainer Coin widget. It was also at the very top of the list!

I immediately created a YouTube short to gloat about it on the Internet haha. Hopefully peoples' curiosity will be sparked by this. I'm waiting to see if some crypto youtubers will mention this at all.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 22.16.38.png

I know it's not that much of a pump, but it's just great to see Hive on top of a list for a change.. and this is a very good list to top. To be honest, Hive should be a frequent flyer on these lists.

Peace & Love,



I noticed this too, but by seeing my sell orders triggered, I am looking to buy back in when it drops.

Been doing a little swing trading myself...growing a bit of a stash on Binance.

Buy order in at 485 sats waiting for the dump now

It looks like someone bought a nice chunk. I hope it's a sign of good things to come. It may get it noticed anyway.

Normally they look at these lists and at least mention "unusual" tokens. Fingers crossed

No matter if little but we have Pump!
Hive should pump more and more... About to reach at $5 at least.

haha that would be nice.

Yes! Definitely 😁

The price is massive
I’m really glad
Let’s keep going!

we're going places

I look and often wonder....what is @adetorrent up to these days? Hope you are well :)

Whenever the price of a coin that we own goes up, it's a lot of fun to watch. Always do profit-taking.