Expanding on AI and Crypto A New Token?

in LeoFinance16 days ago

We all know that 2024 is all about the AI stocks, meme coins and even some newer AI crypto token projects.


The token we are going to talk about today is called Oasis and actully might be a solid solution many people are looking for. It's primary factors are smart privacy for web3 and AI so the scope of it is much much larger compared to other tokens which are very niche specific which means not huge market caps on them.

It's rather clear or at least should be clear to you that privacy is a very real concern you should have. The more governments and companies spy on you, collect your data and create databases filled with your stuff means the less freedoms you have and the more it looks like a police state over the united states.

The main focus of Oasis at the moment is to offer a layer one solution to building privacy focuses dapps. As we know many blockchains are being tracked and every time you try to privacy focus something the SEC or government shut it down. Sure it's used for bad things but that doesn't give anyone the right to invade everyone's privacy because of a few bad actors. That's a mentality we need to get back to and understand quickly before it's too late.

How AI Crypto and Privacy Matter

I firmly believe that we will only see aggressiveness and people are more and more aware which is a good thing. It took one heck of a long time but people care more for their privacy now then they ever have before. 2001 saw the removal of that privacy and it's never been fully restored or restored at all.

We have seen abuse in power and data from major companies like meta. Who actully have started to partner with Oasis to build a more secure and privacy focused layer for their application.

What this AI model would do is still connect people with the right ads based on their data however that data would not be tied to any one person.

It's funny to me that people that complain about ads being shown seem to get even more vocal when they start seeing ads that they are simply not interested in at all. We can see how targeted ads based on pervious searches and other data can actully be helpful to people and done in the right away often gets you the results you have been looking for.

The issue with it is all of that data is creating a "profile" of you the person. Yes you the person with all of you information like phone number, address, search history, where you clicked, what you clicked, what movies you watched, where you recently visited via your GPS on your phone and so much more. It's a massive violation of privacy but it does also have it's benefits in getting us the real information we are searching for.

AI like Oasis is trying to build a layer which keeps you the person and your "profile" separated so that data couldn't even be leaked or given to someone else. It's a direction I believe that if done right will in fact shape our future and how businesses operate.

Oasis is actully currently using this for Instagram users and is AI on a mass scale that is pulling this information as it should without leaking personal data a long with it.

For myself I'd love to do a deeper dive on this and figure out how exactly they are doing this but I have a feeling it's a bit on the secret level at the moment as that ability is what makes their blockchain so powerful right now.

Do you believe this is a promising way forward for privacy for users?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's rather clear or at least should be clear to you that privacy is a very real concern you should have

Without a doubt.

As we know many blockchains are being tracked and every time you try to privacy focus something the SEC or government shut it down.

In that context we should reckon XMR(Monero) even though it has not made strides like BTC.

AI like Oasis is trying to build a layer which keeps you the person and your "profile" separated so that data couldn't even be leaked or given to someone else.

Interesting and very much needed in today's high-paced AI age. I will closely follow this coin.

Thank you.

I also see AI and Crypto colleberation bringing more innovation to the Crypto space. Some projects are already there but there will be many more..

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