The only thing constant is change...

in LeoFinance16 days ago

It's probably not hard to believe I am still coming off the high from last weekend. Between the amazing campsite we had, the appearance of the northern lights, and the other events of the weekend, my heart is definitely full.

I got the canvas image of Jovi for my office the other day. It's now sitting prominently on my desk where I can look at her every day. The days without her have been getting better for the most part, but every now and then I think of something that breaks me down again. Yesterday my wife and I were walking through Costco and when we got to the rotisserie chickens I was reminded of how Jovi would stand behind me in the kitchen waiting for scraps as I pulled the meat off the bone.

We haven't bought a rotisserie chicken since she has been gone, but I know the first time we do it is going to be hard.

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

Finance is an interesting thing for me this week as I just don't feel like there has been that much going on. We are kind of in that wait and see period where nobody quite knows what is going to happen. Bitcoin has jumped back up to the $66K range and that is nice to see, but I feel like it's just going to keep bouncing around that level for a while now.

KZOO Bullion

I found out the other day that my local bullion store is changing locations. Thankfully, they are going to remain local and if anything, it should be easier for me to get there because they are moving closer to my house. They still have some non-traditional hours, but I will try to get there again soon. It would help if they were open on weekends, but I understand why they aren't

It's not like bullion is a high demand item that justifies extended hours like a Home Depot or grocery store.

They always have the online option too that you can access via this referral link

As is the case with most places, they have a $200 minimum purchase requirement to qualify for free shipping. I've also notice that a lot of the sand cast hand poured stuff they advertise on their Facebook page doesn't seem to be available on their site. I'm guessing it has to do with them only having a limited quantity of the items or something like that.


I kind of feel like a broken record covering some of the same topics all the time, but as far as finances go, this is the stuff that is relevant to me right now. We are now less than a week away from what is supposed to be the official launch of the Retik token.

Despite the vesting period, many folks in the Telegram channel still seem to think they are going to be insanely rich due to this token. The consensus among the stalwart masses is that this will be a token to hold well into 2030 for maximum gains.

Personally, I think we are going to get an announcement saying they have to delay the launch. There are still quite a few red flags that have me anticipating this token will be a rug pull. Even some of the folks in the Telegram I created where we can talk openly about our FUD are starting to drink the Reltik koolaid.

It's quite interesting to observe from the outside with the assumption that all of our money is gone. I want to apologize to you right now if I ever went into delusional fan boy mode over a token in the past. It's not a great look for sure!

Revisiting Goals

As we continue to inch closer and closer to what we hope will be the most epic bull run in crypto history, I'm starting to take a closer look at some of my assets and I'm trying to determine what my goals will be. I've been saying for a while now that I am trying to get some liquid HIVE on hand to move into HBD if the price happens to pump.

I think the ideal number at this point is maybe 5000 HIVE. If HIVE were to reach the previous all time high, that would be 15,000 HBD I could shove into savings. Of course, if HIVE gets back up in the $3 range, I might be tempted to do my first ever power down and push even more into HBD.

I've also stopped staking SPS at this point. Any new SPS I earn that isn't automatically staked is sitting liquid in my account so I can move it into HIVE or something else should the price of SPS ever recover to a nice level. I have no liquid target for SPS, it's just whatever I can accumulate between now and then.

I mentioned a while ago that I stopped pretty much all of my DCA monthly auto buys on Coinbase. We were spending quite a bit of money per month on Jovi towards the end and I needed that extra cash to cover some of those expenses. Now that she is no longer with us, I haven't yet started those buys back up. We are still trying to find a bit of equilibrium with our budget.

I'm starting to realize some of my other soft targets for taking gains may not be that realistic. I have some secondary tokens on WAX that I was under the assumption could pump in the next bull. That is looking less likely now. I do think they will be pulled up a little bit, but probably not to the levels I was hoping. At this point I will just be happy to take any gains where I can.

Do you have plan for the next bull? How many times has it changed in the past six months, or is it still as rock solid as it was originally? There are so many uncertainties out there right now, it almost feels a bit foolish to even try to plan. I feel like we at least need to have a framework though, otherwise we are going to be spending the next three years wading through regret.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice plan on the liquid Hive. If it were to go to three dollars there would be a lot of power downs that I can guarantee. I heard Costco was going to start selling silver too, I'll have to look into that a little more. Silver jumped up to over $31 today!

I live just down the road from a Costco. It's seriously dangerous. I'll have to look next time I am in there though.

I do wonder if there will be a bull soon or not. Its so hard to tell. BTC had a nice peak there, but it didnt filter on down to everything else. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm honestly not that optimistic at the moment.

I don't think we are going to see anything soon. I think there will be a handful of tokens that will pop off on their own and then settle back down. It's funny because everyone keeps changing their tune. First they said the end of 2024, now I am hearing the end of 2025. Next thing you know they will be saying the bull won't be here until 2030. They will keep pushing it until about the time I pass away, then it will finally come!

It's been just over a year since the loss of one of our kitties... 😔😔😔😔😔😔

Gone but not forgotten.

I am glad that the finances are looking good for you!


I'm sorry, it's horrible. We will see how I feel about my finances in a few months...

Indeed. I will also be looking at doing some power downs and such... $3 would be amazing.

I would be doing it all at a MUCH smaller level than you are... but it is a step in the right direction for me!

Lately it's been hard to believe we were ever at that level. I have a screenshot of my wallet value the last time we were up around $3. It was pretty mind blowing to see.


So I have personal Hive funding and then hobby funding as well. I was blogging about my hobby in order to fund my hobby because I don't earn enough to fit a hobby fund into my budget... but then a friend suggested that instead of collecting HBD right now, to collect and stake HP instead and assist in my Hive goals and help me build myself up to 5000HP and above.

I am now well on my way to Dolphin status and over 700HP of that is for the Hobby fund!

Now I have other things to consider with that kind of cash!

That's great! Building your account now will pay off down the road for sure! The HBD to HIVE ratio is favorable right now that it just makes sense to move it into HIVE or HP. I remember it took me forever to get to dolphin status.

So if I have 1000HP by the time the bull run hits and Hive runs to $3 then I would probably have more hobby money than would make sense for me to spend of hobby stuff!

I play Warhammer 40,000 and the idea would be to buy and build whatever models I want... but $3000 worth of hobby stuff is too much!

So I thought... If I DID have $3000 in Hobby fund... stick that into HBD savings and make the interest the hobby fund, giving me a $50 a month to spend. I still keep the $3000 and I could even compound it further if I don't need to buy anything.

This is separate from the personal funds flip flop. lol

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Oh my, it's never easy dealing with the loss of someone or something so dear to us, and sometimes it takes that loss for us to notice the void they filled.

I remember when I lost Milo, he was such a jovial dog, took me a while to come around, but I eventually did. Hang in there Bozz, you'll be alright.

Thanks, I appreciate it. We have more good days than bad days now. I'm sure it will get easier with time. She was really special and she is greatly missed.

That's good to hear. Please take good care of yourself and your wife.

Thank you!

finances is exciting field

When it is going well for sure!

I don't event feel like saying a word about...

Living the life day a day rightnow. But that, for sure going to change 🙏🏻

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. Do you believe in the Rainbow Bridge?
I do, and I know my dear Yorkies are waiting for me!

@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (9/20)

I've never spent too much time thinking about the rainbow bridge. It always felt like something for kids. I might have to contemplate it more though.

I'm going to keep on buying $HIVE to power up. I might make more from HBD for now, but if the price goes up then I will benefit and I'm not desperate.

It seems that with other coins the community just talk about things like 'wen moon?' (on Discord, reddit, Telegram or whatever) whilst Hivers talk about life and other matters. Life is not just about money.

All of my HBD lately has been moving into HIVE, either to hold or power up.

Once again, congratulations on a job exceptionally well done. Your hard work and expertise are truly appreciated.


This is fascinating, wonderful
