Freechain, let us have some noise on Twitter

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Hey there fellow Hive-lovers! It's your fellow community member here, and boy, do I have something exciting to share with you today.


Remember that Freechain film we've all been chattering about? Well, @lordbutterfly dropped a sneak peek on Twitter, and it's all about Web3. Yep, we got a tiny glimpse, and I'm buzzing with excitement! I mean, I can't wait to watch the whole movie on the big screen. Here's the tweet:

So, What's the Buzz About? 🎥

We have a mission, and it's a fun one! Let's spread the love for Hive like never before. Here's what you can do:

  1. Share the tweet: Let the world see what we're all about!
  2. Quote retweet it: Add your voice to the mix!
  3. Reply on it: What's your take? Let's hear it!
  4. Promote Hive: Let's get #Hive trending!

And guess what? For every share, retweet, and reply, we're giving away FREE UPVOTES! All you gotta do is leave the proof of participation in the comment box below. It's that simple!

Why Should You Join the Fun? 🚀

Well, if you love Hive (and I know you do), this is our moment to shine. We get to tell the world what we're passionate about. Plus, who doesn't like free upvotes?

Let's Get to It! 🎉

No time to waste, my friends. Let's get out there and spread the word. Remember, just click this tweet, do your thing, and drop the proof in the comments below.

I'm right here with you, promoting Hive, one tweet at a time. Let's make some noise together!

Here is my participation

Join our Telegram group on this link

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


~~~ embed:1686984388997795840?t=cYEIr9vvhmHwDYddIKVc1w&s=19 twitter metadata:dWJhbmlfYXJpYmF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdWJhbmlfYXJpYmEvc3RhdHVzLzE2ODY5ODQzODg5OTc3OTU4NDB8 ~~~

The Dan presentation is dope, I can't wait for the final show🥰😎

~~~ embed:1686629104991277057?t=Sgx3deNgHYAUZTtIYBTgGA&s=19 twitter metadata:UmFtbXliYWJhbnN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUmFtbXliYWJhbnMvc3RhdHVzLzE2ODY2MjkxMDQ5OTEyNzcwNTd8 ~~~