Dear Jack, Have You Heard About Hive?

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Hello there, Jack!

I'm sure your ears have been buzzing with chatter about social media lately. It's been a hot topic, hasn't it? There's a great deal of concern about censorship and the control of content. You've even voiced your own worries and suggested Nostr as a solution, eh??

But Jack, I must say, I'm a little puzzled. Nostr, while having its merits, isn't the full answer we're all looking for. Yes, it provides a path forward, but it also carries its own potential for censorship, something we're all trying to avoid.


Enter Hive - the unsung hero of this story.

Hive operates on a protocol level, effectively addressing and negating censorship issues. It's not a mere band-aid on the wound, Jack, it's a proper antidote. It doesn't just reduce the symptoms but targets the root cause. We're talking about a holistic approach to the problem of censorship, something that Nostr, with all due respect, just doesn't offer.

Here's a casual invitation for you, Jack: dive into the world of Hive. Experience firsthand the difference that a protocol-based approach makes. It's a game-changer, I assure you.

And to everyone reading this, let's engage. If you believe in Hive's potential as much as I do, let's raise our collective voices. Reply to Jack's tweet, share your support for Hive, and let's get this conversation going. Don't forget to leave your proof in the comment box below for some bonus upvotes.

Let's show Jack, and the world, that Hive is more than just another platform - it's a solution.

Here is my participation

Join our Telegram group on this link

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I wonder why they keep on avioding the obvious such as #hive

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