A Reflection on Entrepreneurship

in LeoFinancelast month

Story time with Jongo.....

Wayback in high school there was an elective class we had the option of taking. When I was in grade 9 I had never heard of the word...


Learn how to build a business was the course description. In it, we'd learn about small business loans, taxes, accounting, a bit of marketing but honestly....I don't remember a lot about the experience. I did know, that it was something I wanted to learn more about. Ever since I was a kid, I LOVED the idea of working for myself, and pretty much made it a career up until this past year.

25 plus years of being in business for yourself.....Let's just say that I've experienced some things lol

So why am I bringing this up after....Basically leaving the entrepreneurial lifestyle?

Because of a conversation I had today at work.

This morning, we had a team meeting. Which is a new thing for me, but I am really enjoying these little monthly meetings our team has. A big chunk of the employees of where I work are younger than me. And I'm talking early 20's which was right around the time I decided....I was going to dedicate my life to building businesses.

One of the team mentioned that they were excited to retire because then they could work on their business!

It took me by surprise, that someone was content with working a 9 to 5 job, with the desire of building a business when they retire. And hey, there's no real right age to build a business. It's literally when it's right for you, that's when the right time is.

But it got me thinking about my personal journey.

O.k., here's the best parts about building your own business:

  • Putting your passion into something you love

  • Big earning potential

  • Potential time freedom if you end up setting up the business to run itself

And there's plenty of other things you can talk about being a plus for being an entrepreneur.

The downsides can be rough....

  • Endless hours

  • Potential set backs as the markets dictate

  • A ton of stress!

And of course, there are loads of things you can say are rough with building your own business.

There really are pro's and con's.

For me, I wouldn't change a thing. I had over 2 decades of an epic ride. Lots of lows but plenty of highs. It truly was a roller coaster of not only results, but also emotions. You develop real thick skin when you put yourself out there, but it's so worth it. For anyone thinking about building your own business....

Do it! Try it!

Just expect the roller coaster cause it'll go up and down....That's a guarantee!

But now for this guy.....It's working a traditional job. I had my run of being an entrepreneur and loved it. But now as I hit the half point in my life, it's time to enjoy the other aspects of a career.

And so far, 3 months in....It's been better than I could have hoped for.

Whichever path you choose, make sure you absolutely LOVE what you do! To me, that's the most important thing when choosing a career you can do.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's lots of work for sure and many failures and smart moves to really stay in business for yourself. The hours are ugly lol. So I can totally understand having a 9-5 for a while, building a solid ground floor that earns you passive income and allows you to better weather the storms of running your own business.

I think many people confuse running their own business though and just being self employed lol

thats a fantastic point man! and you know the roller coaster ride like i do lol

It’s good to hear from someone who had done both. Glad your current gig is going good. !PIZZA

Thanks man, oh I wouldn't change it for that world!

that means you are in the right place.

Happiness is an inside job ;)

Man, this is soooo true!

There are pros and cons to both. It depends on what you want to do, and I am glad that you like your traditional job. It's just how life is but I guess it feels more comfortable without the stress.

Yeah there really are. I used to be on camp 'entrepreneur only' but now I am happy doing the 9 to 5

Loving what we do is definitely what matters. Having a traditional job that we love can be an enjoyable ride and the roller-coaster of the entrepreneurship journey will not be so bad if it's what we love to do.

That's the key! You have to do what you love!

When we put our passion into something we love, even though it may later get tiring, we will still continue to do it because it’s what we are really interested in

Amen to that!

Eso es emprendimiento..el arte de construir un negocio de la nada..

I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying this new stage in your career!
It's critical to find passion in what we do.
Keep going with that positive attitude!


Oh man, it's such a blessing!!

It is better than doing a job to do your own business and work day and night on it, even if we see that all the big and rich people have become rich through business, sometimes people make more money by doing a job.

Having a lot of money, isn't always what some consider being a success.

I had a ton and lost it all. I'm much happier now, without the stress of building my own business.

Thats good.

An employee working for 38 years compared to an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience, I think the scorecard will tell the big difference.



Scorecards aren't always measured the same way ;)


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