More Entrepreneurial Advice From Jongo

in LeoFinance24 days ago

It's story time with Jongo once again!!!!

Following up from the post I wrote a few days ago, I wanted to continue the conversation I was having with my co-worker this week.

Wanna become an expert? Soak up as much information as you can about your chosen niche and passion! That was the overall message from the last post and the earlier talk I had this week.

However, my co-worker wasn't satisfied with that...They needed more!

How can they become experts and make a ton of money from their efforts in the shortest amount of time....??

Oh wow, have I ever heard this one before. I need more now! How can I make money online or building a business because I need it in 30 days or less...Sadly, that's a pipe dream! I mean, sure there are exceptions to the rule and every now and again some lucky person strikes it rich with little to no effort or experience...But generally this stuff takes time!

So you need to decide how to spend that time and dedicate it to your career growth. And in 20 plus years of doing this online business stuff, nothing and I mean nothing is more important than developing your personal brand via online platforms!

Let me put it this way....

If you aren't known, no one is going to do business with you!

And you are in luck, because it's easier than ever to develop a strong personal brand using the tools and platforms at our fingertips now. Heck, it's even EASIER to build that brand right here on the blockchain, but that's another story.

Back to building the brand on a platform, this is what happens while developing both...Your reputation starts to grow. Followers continue to pay attention. And your results begin to snowball.

But if you remember what I mentioned above...This takes TIME! And that's sadly what 99% of the people looking to build an online business aren't willing to invest.

They'll spend money on consultants, traffic generation schemes, social media experts and training...But ask them to dedicate a year or two into developing their brand and platform...Forget it.

But here's Jongo again with more good news....

99% of people trying to build a business online WON'T invest the time...So if you become part of that 1%, you win...It's almost a guarantee lol

So here's a quick overview of this week's blog posts...

  1. Spend time soaking up as much information as you can about your chosen niche and passion.

  2. Spend a year or two developing your personal brand on select social media platforms.

Ta da!!!!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are right, it is important to spend time learning about your chosen niche and passion.
Developing personal branding on social media is a great idea to establish an online presence.


No better investment for online entrepreneurs.

It takes time to get success. I just think that you can't be an expert right away and if you learn from your mistakes, you can definitely succeed.

Agreed. It doesnt happen overnight!

Quick money usually leads to personal failure.
You have to be careful not to be a student of everything and a master of none. Focusing efforts is essential.

It's so true. And when people realize it, it's too late

Quality time friend is behind quality result friend. Loving your entrepreneurial training

Thanks for stopping by!

The fact that no one would love to do business with someone who isn’t known sucks a lot but thanks for the tip. At the end, we gotta make sure that we take our business more seriously so we can be known

All things being equal, people do business with those the know, like and trust!