#MyLEOGoals - Weird Feelings & Future Thoughts

in LeoFinance2 months ago

The journey I've had over the past 6 plus years has been quite the adventure.

I've been building on this blockchain for years and given my all to it. However something I never did, was taking profits. And if you have been paying attention to the last 36 hours or so in crypto, you'll understand why you should always...Take profits.

That being said, I never expect this stuff to go up and up forever. That's not how markets work. However sometimes we drink the kool-aid, we tow the company line and we get blinded by the 'hype'.

And when the bull markets show up, we don't sell a single token, we just tell ourselves...Things will be worth so much more down the road.


Maybe not.

That's why we take profits!

Even if my life didn't take a major 180 degree change over the past few months, if I was all in on this stuff...I'd be worried if I didn't take profits along the way. That being said, I'm still a huge believer in what $LEO is building. But I've learned my lesson....I'm gonna take some profits lol

So this week on #myLEOgoals , let's just say...They are different. Kinda....

Yeah I am still shooting for Apex Lion...But I'm not going to ride it all the way up without, taking a win every now and again.

$LEO seems to be doing really good as well, especially with all the Maya hype. Which I admit, I still have no idea what it all means...But on the other hand, the great promise that is $HIVE is just getting slaughtered as Bitcoin crashes.

It's normal. I'm used to it, it's not my first rodeo....But this upcoming week, I was needing this crypto stuff to stay up lol Oh well....Maybe it's not taking profits this week, we'll just say we're cashing some out lol

150,000 LEO Power

I powered down 20,000 $LEO last week, mainly because I was trying to get in on the Maya hype. But like I mentioned above....I have no idea what I'm doing. That being said, as LEO sky rocketed over the past week, I'm going to have some liquid just in case.

150,000 - 118,756.84 = 31,243.16 left to go

Maybe? Not sure exactly what I'm gonna do after I get some liquid LEO, if I move it to Maya or not. Who knows....I just know, going forward I'm always going to have liquid everything lol

That being said, what happened to our LEO Ads payouts this month? I'm always worried that sometimes the LEO team takes on so much, instead of making sure the features they've promised and even laughed are working 100%. That would be great if that became a reality. I know some of us degens would appreciate it.

Speaking of the journey....This is a head scratcher...

1.21% lol OK it's safe to say, this is 100% results from the price of Hive....

Or is it?

There has to be some errors in the reporting of these numbers...Because that is the largest spread I've ever seen between curation and creating rewards in years on chain.

Alas....Take profits folks, take the profits when you can lol

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Bravo Jongo! Devs and daaps got funds every hour from proposal in advance so they don't have to provide shit and pushing community to buy premium and website keeps crashing all the time.

I am glad you finally can see what's going on around here and decided to prepare for taking profits.

Yeah man, this blockchain will never become the beacon of hope we all want it to become, until we get out of our own way. But that's exactly how it's designed right now. Those in power, stay in power, because any change, they lose power lol

The top dogs are very content keeping Hive where it is on the markets.

Absolutely! I don't see any difference between Elon Musk and Hive Witnesses/Whales. It is exactly the same, decentralization is an illusion. Content monetization? same.

How many impression/views you can have on Hive comparing to other Web2 Social Medias? More people will see your 1 video on TikTok in a first hour than for a 7 days on 3Speak. It's a sad true.

What I can also see on "trending page" it's like WTF? :)

  1. The rich get richer
  2. Mutual admiration society
  3. Devs and dApps got 90& of DHF every hour and don't have to provide shit, no one is even checking that anymore. Some of them like PeakD or Splinterlands don't even go to events like HiveFest but they have got the biggest banners there. I've been there, I've seen it.

The only good thing is that people in Ghana got clean water but no one knows that there is more than 10 boreholes there sponsored by Hive when Mr. Beast made 1 video and 70% of the world knows about it. Nobody like that will come to Hive and post content, why should they?

Illusion and The Matrix.

I used to drink the kool aid man. but i put my heart and soul into this place for 6 years. like you said, it's an illusion. it's not decentralized.

I'm wondering if I'm just bitter, but I really have nothing to be bitter about lol I just fell out of love here, because I just don't see things getting better.

For years things have been in 'development' while the rest of the crypto space passes us by...

Don't worry about it, as long as you realized that you're on a good way. I know that you have put a lot of effort, love and energy here. It takes time to realize what is what, who is who etc.

You finally woke up and that is all it matters.

Peace BRO.

It wasn't with LEO, but I already took some profits to pay for my property taxes, at the end of March. At the time, I felt a bit sour about it... but it has turned out that the timing was pretty decent.

Congratulation to you!
It's just in time :)

I felt so guilty the other year when I powered down. Now, I'm fine powered up or powered down lol

I'm not sure how the APR is calculated anymore really for hive when you start to delegate out large amounts. I believe it's still thinking you're at the 100k or whatever hive but you're not so it just suffers the APR because of it. Liquid leo is going to be nice to have ;) could make for a good pay day.!

Yeah man, not trying to get it all liquid, but when things went bananas last week, I was powered up lol

Very good observation, indeed sometimes you have to take some profit, I for the moment I am leaving everything in investment, when I can and I have more capital I will also take profit.


I don't have to power down, but I just don't want to get caught with everything powered up and things go crazy.

I like the expression, "no one ever went broke taking a profit". :)

I think it's hard to get 1% curation APR unless you aren't curating much at all. I guess it could be an app problem. I remember someone saying the ad payout was suppose to happen over a week ago but I didn't see it happen. I guess it wasn't just me.

I spent a ton of evenings last week curating, but I think it's directly relted to the price and maybe powering up / down too.

Yeah I havent heard a thing about pay outs

Take profit
Thank you so sharing

I think I can't take profits as I constantly power up; however, I could convert some HBD to HIVE nowadays.

That's what I did for 6 plus years lol

I'm not going to fall for it anymore lol

We do things with a final meaning, we cannot accumulate profits infinitely. That wouldn't make any sense. Money has to have a use.

Exactly, what's the point of all of this? For me, it's to feed my family.

No one is ever going to go broke taking profit
That’s a thoughtful phrase

Mis felicitaciones yo tambien le tengo Fe a Leo

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