New Game Plan...Kinda!

in LeoFinancelast month

It's time for everyone's favorite blog post of the day....

Jongo's Ever-Changing Crypto Journey!!

The last time we checked in with our hero, he was scratching his head when it came to how he would approach all the exciting things happening on $LEO

MAYA was here, everyone was pumped up! Jongo was excited too. Even though he had no idea what to do or how to do it, hey if the Lions are fired up, he's fired up!

So he powers down some $HIVE and some $LEO so that he can take part in the brand new defi pools on MAYA....Except of course, he HATES anything new when it comes to crypto.

Which is odd because......O.K., let's stop talking in the third person :)

It's odd because I have been an entrepreneur for decades and have preached that we need to embrace change. If something is hard, good, go learn about it and try to figure it out. But when it comes to crypto...I rarely take my own advice.

So today, after hanging out in Threads (thanks to @taskmaster4450le) , I discovered that the Diesel Pools on TribalDex are still a viable option to help out $LEO by adding liquidity. Now I'm not going to get rich from it, but it helps and I can become liquid at anytime if I need to...

So I dove in...

Thinking this is a good option but more importantly...I like being in my comfort zone when it comes to crypto. I'm not around as much, so I don't have the time to dedicate into learning new blockchains and wallets...

And say what we may, Tribal Dex is crazy simple to use. And it's in an ecosystem I am familiar with! So TribalDex it is!

But wait....There's more!

I have been powering down some $HIVE as well because I need some funds for a downpaymen t on a home in the next few months. However, I don't want to take it out of the ecosystem so hey , here's an idea....

Why not dive back into $HBD ???

So while I'm taking some of the liquid $HIVE I'm getting from the power downs and adding it to the $LEO Diesel Pool....I'm also going to stash some Hive and flip it into HBD. And put it into the savings.

Not sure how much I'll make in these next few months, but hey it's free crypto after all. It's a win!

Like I mentioned above, this is an ever changing adventure lol I've just spent the past 6 years here building, now I'm going to figure out how to maximize those efforts. Because obviously, I won't be breaking the bank with creating and curation rewards....

See yesterday's post for an explanation of it lol

We will see how this new path goes!

I think that's one of the best things about this blockchain...We always have options!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Everything is just about more ways to earn money
It is a smart plan
Keep it up!

That sounds exciting!
I'm sure you'll find the best way to maximize your efforts.
And yes, it's definitely great to be able to earn crypto for free.
Good luck in this new adventure!


It's not a bad plan. For the LEO/Hive pool, are there any provider rewards? Or will you only earn through the fees?

No rewards. Only fees.

Liquidity pools are a good alternative although in that particular one I miss some reward. It is difficult to know how much you earn with the fees.

HBD is a great instrument mate, I saved 1000 HBD and still go on saving its interest payout ;)

I have been powering down a little bit of late just to transfer some back to GBP and learn the best ways of doing that but hadn't thought of flipping some into HBD for the savings there, that's an interesting strategy to go by.... may do some of that.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@edgerik(1/15) tipped @jongolson