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RE: Leo Needs 1,000 Owners

in LeoFinance27 days ago

One way of taking ownership of Leo is by owning $LEO and staking it.

Another way is to build the infrastructure for it, as Khal and his team lead the way on that side of things.

Another way is to build the digital layer over the physical layer. This is how Leo becomes the platform we see before us.

One way to build the digital layer is through dApp design and creation. A lot has been done in this area.

Another way to build the digital layer is through content creation. Not everyone does this, and that's OK (especially if they have other roles such as investor and BUIDLer).

Anyone who owns the LEO token stakes it is also part of a community of content creators who engage with each other so that we all grow as Leo grows. Most of us as owners are in this group.

One way we help others engage here is by finding new ways of using InLeo which resonate with others. Some of us are more visionary than others in the use cases we come up with for InLeo, and that's OK; eventually the less visionary will find that one way which resonates with others.

Content creation on its own isn't enough. As owners, we need to help each other grow our stakes. This means engagement (more engagement, or better engagement, or more of the better engagement) with each other and with whoever else responds to us.

Content creators here are like shopkeepers: we're known for certain "goods and services," but we don't own all we need. So we do business with each other by shopping at each other's shops rather than shopping outside the community. If we try building a community on Mars, we have only each other for commerce and trade.

Even if we fail as a shopkeepers, it only means we didn't offer the right goods and services; so we try again with better insight into what people need, or in how to deliver our goods and services better.

In the event we call it quits as shopkeepers, that doesn't mean we stop being owners; it just means we shift our focus into ways we can maximize our ownership stakes and along the way help other owners maximize their own stakes. It's one reason people continue to participate in LPUD even if they keep a low profile in other aspects of their membership as Leos and Lions.

Besides, how often do people get a chance to say "I built this" ? Ownership is the way we get it done here. Ownership, and engagement with follow owners.