A decision that determines a path - Saving just one life (WEEK 206).

"On the realisation of each depends the destiny of all."

-Alejandro Magno.


Witnessing a car accident or any other kind of accident I think would be quite shocking. A blocking situation that could happen.

Until you're in that situation, you don't really know what you could do, unless you've experienced it before. Emotions will always be very present, emotions that you haven't experienced before.

It would be even more difficult, in this case and with the car on fire, to have to choose between two lives, just one. I should act very quickly in this dramatic situation.

Life always comes first for me and evaluating the various variables at that moment should be almost automatic, there is no time to lose or both children will die.

I wonder how to act coldly in a situation like this, if I would be able to. I don't know.

I also wonder how to be objective in this case, without sentimental or subjective factors coming into play in the decision. What is the best thing to do. So many questions.

There are so many variables to take into account, whether or not both children are the same sex, ages, how hurt they are... always objectively speaking. And I wonder if I would make the right decision. But at that moment I wouldn't have time to think about anything, just act.

If between the two children one of them was a girl, I think I would choose her, she can beget life in the future.

But I should also evaluate ages, maybe the one who is younger can recover better from the trauma caused by an accident or something of this kind.

If I could tell at a glance which one is the least injured, I think I would choose it, it is more likely to survive later with proper medical care.

In the case that these variables are not all together, that the child is the smallest and the least injured, I think I would decide for the child who has the best chance of survival according to the damage.

In any case, even if I only had time to save one, I would risk saving both. Life comes first, especially if they are children.

If I am there for a reason and I know I will do my best.

But if I could only save one, and the other dies for various reasons, of course I would wonder if I did enough, if I acted fast, if I could have done more.

I know I would, because that's the way I am, but I would try to think I did something good and hold on to that. At least I saved one life. Decisions mark you, they decide a path and in this case they would mark someone else's path.

That doesn't take away from the fact that at the beginning I might even feel guilty and responsible, but now that I look at it in a cold perspective, if I hadn't been there they both would have died and it wouldn't be my responsibility.

The day of a person's death is as if it was already decided, perhaps by the very soul that inhabits that body. If I was there it is because it was meant to be, that a life would continue.

But that would already be a very long philosophical subject, reflections that I would possibly make later myself.

Of course in that moment feelings and emotions will come into play, but in that case, it will depend on that very moment.

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Thank you @galenkp for these topics that always invite us to reflect and even take a look inside ourselves. That is very good for learning and improving.

I wish you all a very good weekend. See you next time.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

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What a terrible situation this must be, faced with an extreme situation, one does not know how one might react and then come the questions of whether one acted well or if one could have done more.

I have never been involved in such a situation, but it must be very shocking 💔

A professor once told me that when faced with a situation of saving one life or the other, he told me that he would choose the younger one, but if they are both the same age, what to do? It's difficult.

I thought the same thing, it's very complicated but a good topic to reflect on. Thank you very much Yami! we missed you!❤️

What a terrible situation. I wouldn't like to be at a crossroads like this. It must be very painful to have to make a decision like that, I also think it would risk more life and try to save both of them. I don't think one has a moment of lucidity to think so much.
How great the weekend challenges are.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend dear friend @avdesing

I think the same as you, it's a very complicated situation and even thinking about it now I don't know what I would do at that moment. Thank you always @jlufer

The truth is I don't even want to think about a situation like this, I don't think anyone can think about a moment like this @avdesing, it would be terrible to experience something like that

It would be very terrible, it's better not to think about it. Thank you @miprimerconcurso 😃

Wow, so many variables to consider.

I would probably start with the one that is easiest to rescue. Trying to rescue someone who is too trapped would take time away from saving the one who is easier.

Maybe that's a simplistic way for me to put the problem.


You're absolutely right, I hadn't taken that variable into account. Totally in agreement and simpler. Thank you!😃

I hope I never have to find myself in that situation, the truth is that they are very complicated choices. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. Best regards @avdesing

Being in a situation of this magnitude is terrible, the truth is that I would not like to live it, I would like that accidents like this do not happen but from words to deeds there is a long way they say, it seemed logical to me the actions that you thought at that time, I think the most important thing is to preserve life, even if it is one of those involved in the accident, I would also value the possibilities you mentioned. Regards

I hope not to be in such a situation, it would be very difficult. Thank you!😃

You chose a very difficult subject, from all points of view, I can only think right now that you are a very strong person just for the fact of being able to express yourself about the fact is pure courage.
Without a doubt, you are a person who knows how to master your thoughts and actions.

These are difficult issues but they are interesting to tackle, it could happen in life, but I hope I won't be in that situation. Thank you very much!😃