One Small Silly Accident

“Every accident is a notice that something is wrong with men, methods, or material. Investigate—then act.”

— Author unknown.


Hello there, full-time weekenders!

Even when some of the accident that have happened our my workshop haven't been too bad, there's one that's really stupid and could make me lose a lot of blood.

It isn't weird to get some cuts and scratches while you work. I have lost count of the times when I have gone into the tip of my fingers with sandpaper. Sometimes, even the rough surface of wood is enough to hurt a bit. And splinters are a common thing in any trade related to wood. However, there was a time when I almost cut one of my veins in my hand.

Let me tell you that story:

I was making my side bender. The piece still has some marks of the original idea. A hole in the middle to fit a bulb and make an electrical installation to then cover it with something made of metal and a cylinder form.


The accident happened when I was trying to get the hole part done after making some smaller ones with a drill. Going around with a chisel on each one to remove as much material and then refine the form. But in one of those passes, I forgot the number one rule about your hands a edges:

"Never have them towards the edge"

And you can guess what happed.

The chisel got me below the thumb of my left hand very close to a vein that passes throw that part. It was a clean cut since it took a while to start bleeding. I was a weird sensation since cuts like that are so precise you don't actually feel them. As the edge goes through the first layers of skin, it also cuts the nerves. And after a moment, it started bleeding a lot.

Then, came the running to wash it and patch it. Good thing I know my first aids, but I would not recommend having your fingers around anything sharp. If I had cut the vein, it would have been another story. It would've required medical attention. And since I live in LATAM, it would also entail a really long sermon about things that I know already.

Anyways, that's the most stupid injury I've gotten while working. Sound very small, and I thank it was like it. I know some people who have lost fingers or more in work-related accidents. Let my still be scratches and bruises. And every time less and less since I try to be focused on work and keep my hands on the right end of the edge, i.e, not in front of it.


Now, I have this scar to tell about that time I chiseled my hand. It might be an interesting ice-breaker topic if it weren't so silly.

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)
  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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You can find me at discord as bertrayo#1763


I haven't had any serious accidents, but for example my brother cut off a piece of his finger... it was really bad, I'd rather not even look at it!

Carpentry tools can cause a lot of damage, so be careful!

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Carpenters and cuts go in hand just like Chefs and the same deal. It's a risk if the job.

You said it yourself, watch out!