Weekend engagement 206: Immortality is not for everyone.

It would be unthinkable for me to wish to be immortal since I don't understand the logic behind that thought. I remember as a child playing vampires with my cousins ​​and that they said that being immortal is a great advantage, but I didn't see it that way, I saw it more as a punishment: being imprisoned in your body without being able to leave it under any circumstances, no. to be able to get attached to anyone because you will know that one day they will die, to see that you will never be able to adapt to the present because the present will never exist for you.

I think what makes this life special is that it is only one and it is very brief, when you reach a certain point in life you notice how little you understand everything around you and that you can't do anything to have it all, that nothing exists under control and that practically everyone improvises, but at the same time you notice that this is okay, that this makes our experience in this world special, that we are lucky to have been born at this precise point in time and that there is nothing left but to enjoy the very short period of time we have here.

Being aware of our own mortality drives us to live unique experiences and make decisions that, with an immortal and cold mind, we would never make, mortality defines us as people, shapes our behavior with others and makes us appreciate every day of life, it is Death is what pushes us to live.

Let's imagine an immortal being: an empty shell without spirit or motivation. Why live today if you can do it tomorrow? Immortality, under this reasoning, would rob us of the will to live, since it would plunge us into constant reflection on our own misfortune, being an eternal being trapped in a fleeting world, designed for mortals.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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Fate knows what is best for us, which is why mortality is something we have to deal with, health.

Being aware of mortality shows us that life is very short and that we should live it as we would like.