A Split-Second Decision!

in Weekend Experiences15 days ago (edited)

@galenkp; You are first-on-scene at a vehicle wreck, the car is on fire and inside are two children, the driver is dead. There's no help around and you only have the time to save one - How do you make your choice, which do you choose and how would it affect you later knowing you only saved one?

I had boarded a vehicle from Benin City onto Lagos State to visit my younger sister who had put to bed and I had left home very early as is my tradition, so as to have an early start, for the journey was a long one. An hour later, the vehicle was filled and we were onward bound to my destination. I'm a road lover and all I need to lull me to sleep is the gentle hum of the engine. Its soothing effect is like Nature's lullaby...😴

I woke up with a start by screams from inside the vehicle, "accident o, accident o, Driver stop o, Driver stop o". It was very alarming to wake up to such commotion, a brief period of uncertainty before I realized that a ghastly motor accident had just happened a few meters away, involving a Toyota Camry and a Sienna Bus.

The driver parked by the road, a very safe distance from the scene and we all clambered down to assess the extent of the situation, other vehicles parked too and passengers trooped out, to act as 'The good Samaritan'. But before my wobbly legs could carry my fretting body to the scene, I knew that lives would have been lost.

This was carnage! I hadn't seen nor smelt that much blood my whole life! It was horrible to say the least, mangled flesh caught in between steel and iron. It was a horrific scene for me and has remained one till date. NONE SURVIVED, NOT EVEN ONE.

It was a very traumatic experience for me and I sat on the wet ground and wailed like a baby. By the time the rescue team came along, there was nothing left to rescue....😭. This happened six years ago but the trauma fades very slowly.

Back to the question, I'm like having to relive a very sordid experience and perhaps by sharing this experience on the Blockchain, I would find closure, and a sort of relief.

In a high stress situation described above, I would prioritize saving the youngest of the two if I only had the time to save one (but I would have wished to be able to save the both but that's not in line with the prompt.) The younger would be more vulnerable and in need of immediate help as he might find the situation more traumatic.

Afterwards, I would suffer a mix of emotions for sure, because I know the whole episode will take its toll eventually. I would play with a lot of possibilities like, "Maybe I should have been smarter", Maybe I should have arrived on time or called in a second person to assist me". I would feel so sad and bad for the one that was lost but again I should be kind to myself, yeah, for being one brave little woman and I would also console myself with the fact that it was a high stress situation which leaves one with little or no time to deliberate and that the decision made was made in a split second.

Thank you @galenkp for this prompt.

The photo is my authorship.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


I'm so sorry you witnessed an accident and couldn't do anything, I guess as you say with time the trauma will fade.
About what to do during an accident, I think I am incapable of putting myself in that situation, which as you say is very stressful.

Best regards @edith-4angelseu

Very much so my friend. Hugs ❤️

Witnessing accidents is horrific, more so when people perish on-site.

As to the question, I honestly don't know if I can act quickly in situations like that, but you answered it well.

It was indeed horrific. Thank you very much for visiting.