A Day of Rest and Recovery in the Garden


Full Force Spring

April in the Netherlands is often a month of changeable weather. Still, this Saturday brought us a very welcome surprise, a beautiful day, plenty of sun, and a temperature of 24 degrees. Oh yes, it's true, spring has arrived in full force in our country. I know this is very short-lived. Next week it seems to be 180 degrees different. But that made me more determined to enjoy this day with my partner. A day of spring in all its full glory. Since I still needed to take it easy, we decided to spend our time in the soothing environment of our backyard, surrounded by the burgeoning life of nature.

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Tree Hugging In The Most Miserable Way

The reason I still have to take it easy has everything to do with my accident earlier this week. I certainly don't have a concussion, but the blow against that oak tree was not without consequences either. My partner thought that I somehow seemed to have misunderstood the hobby of "Tree Hugging". I tried to explain that I didn´t even want to hug that tree ... but whatever it was, tripping or tree hugging. I have to deal with the consequences now. The injury to my lip was the most visible, and of course that still needs to heal. Fortunately, the swelling is now starting to decrease a little every day. But smiling is not yet possible. Laughter hurts. And sometimes I do have some headaches. But sitting outside and enjoying the beautiful greenery and blossoms around us, and just having a nice day with my partner in the garden is of course possible. A perfect way to give my body time to heal.


Hopefully An Abundant Harvest Later This Year

And of course, there was plenty to look at. The greenery was in full bloom, like an explosion of colors after the gray winter months. The fruit trees have almost all shed their blossom crowns and already bear the promise of an abundant harvest (at least, we hope that it will be an abundant harvest). The young cherries were already hanging on the branches and we even saw stewing pears that were slowly starting to grow. The apple trees, which are the only ones still bearing their blossoms, were also proudly in full bloom. And as we looked around at all this greenery we couldn't help but see this as a tribute to nature's bounty.


Natural Shelter

This year we placed the trees around our garden set in a circle, and that made us sit wonderfully cozy. The trees provided natural shelter from the wind and created a cozy seating area for us to relax and enjoy the warm rays of sunshine. It's simply our little paradise, a haven of tranquility amid the hustle and bustle of today's world.



As I sat there, surrounded by the scents and colors of spring, I felt like I could relax. Enjoying the sun, the fresh air, the company of my partner, the company of Skipper.


Proudly Share The Beauty

And even if I'm not at my best, I still can't resist taking a few photos. I didn't feel like taking the camera, but my phone was also sufficient for this purpose. After all, it wasn't about taking the most perfect photos, it was just capturing what I saw, documenting a beautiful day in April.

So the photos on this blog were all taken with my phone, not meant to be great, but meant to proudly share the beauty of our back and side yards with you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 2 months ago (edited) 

Tree hugging face planting is a risky endeavour which often goes better for the tree than the human. It looks like a painful result and I can imagine you wish you hugged it not face planted against it...or just that you didn't trip over. I promise I'll not tell any jokes to make you laugh.

All that aside, I think spending a little time surrounded by things you value is a nice way to spend your weekend.

A weekend day in the garden is never a punishment, but I do indeed wish I could put on a slightly happier face. Tripping over branches is never a good idea when you are running with your dog, and if there is a large oak tree it becomes a painful event. Strangely, some people blame the dog, and the surgeon who treated my wound asked me what I was going to do to ensure that this dog walker joke wouldn't happen again. He looked surprised when I said, "I'll put a pillow around every tree in that path, so if I trip again while running with the dog, my face will end up in the pillow instead of the hard tree."

Thank you for not telling jokes that make me laugh. I really appreciate it!

Pillows on every tree...that's a great idea although I'm not sure there's enough pillows.

I am sorry you hurted your face, it must be really painful, especially on the lips:(
thank you for sharing your amazing photographies❤️

It really hurt, but luckily I'm on the mend. The worst of the pain has passed, and now we have to wait for the skin glue and adhesive plaster to come off.

New lips new day 😁
Pretty lips ❤️


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I also have my story hugging a tree, a worm gave me a fever for three days and a rash all over my body, Skipper looks beautiful enjoying the walk in that paradise

Gelukkig hebben we de foto's nog!

Alle gekheid op een stokkie, sucks van de lip, hopelijk snel beter, maar wel toffe foto's :)


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Lovely garden and beautiful set of flowers colors unlike where I live where all the flowers here are green