Three of my favourite smells WEEK 203

Three of my favourite smells


Hello my dear visitors

I'm glad I can be with you today and let me share my three favorite smells, at one point I had the question in my mind, when will I be able to talk about my favorite smells, now don't expect fancy smells, I'm a little weird, but let me introduce you one by one what I like to smell in the air.

For me to feel these three smells (actually I have to admit I have more than I think about six, but for this post I chose only three to follow the rules) is exactly like time standing still and me going somewhere in the past, because yes these smells manage to take me somewhere in the past.

The time period I go to when I smell these smells is my childhood.

The first smell that fascinates me is the smell of freshly mowed grass, I remember as a child going with my grandmother to mow the grass for the animals, God, this smell is unique.




The second smell is that of freshly baked bread, and here I'm referring to those wood-fired bread ovens, and here I remember my grandparents making bread at home (I don't remember ever buying bread from the store).


Every Friday of the week this was the main concern, making bread for a whole week, when I scheduled my holiday here I planned to be there on Fridays, because the whole process was strictly according to certain rules, the bread was made only from natural products.



Look how quickly the time has passed that it's time to tell you about my third favorite smell, but don't laugh, I love the smell of gasoline.


Every time I go to the gas station to fill up my car I stick my nose close to the tank and smell gasoline.

Thank you if you stayed until the end.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


You are indeed weird🤣🤣 but you know what? I do freaking love that weirdness as I feel you. The earth smell, the food and... well, I am not a huge fan of gasoline cos it makes me puke. So nah to that 🤣🤣

Thanks so much for your comment left here it really brought a smile to my face😊

You are welcome

You're very correct especially the smell of freshly baked bread, oh my God I love that smell and it shows how soft the bread is..

You are absolutely right, my grandparents lived in the countryside and at home they had a wood fired bread oven, I don't know if you can imagine how it smelled in the room when they took the bread out of the oven, today unfortunately only the memories remain.
Have a wonderful weekend.