Fierce Battle: Tige vs Food Chain

in Gods On Chain21 days ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, it's been a while. Last month was hectic with work at the beginning of the period, and I couldn't find much time to play. I finally got to play again and it turned out to be an intensely heated battle, so I wanted to share it. I believe it was a great fight where both my opponent and I gave it our all.

I had a pretty good start, and although I was the second to play, I managed to turn it to my advantage.

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I reinforced my hand while effectively bringing cards onto the field.

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The game continued to unfold in my favor.

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I was able to destroy my opponent's equipment, putting me significantly ahead.

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However, Oni brought the situation back to even.

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I managed a slight recovery, but felt slightly disadvantaged in terms of the number of cards in my hand.

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It was my first time seeing Primal Tide, and its nearly lethal skill surprised me. However, I had Bladefly in my hand, and with Food Chain, I countered with my own lethal combination.

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As the opponent continued to strengthen, this turn became my last chance. If I could clear the confusion, I would win. I found The Trial Begins. I added Serena to my hand, cleared the ally's confusion, and launched a full attack. It was close, but I managed to win.

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