Drawing A Portrait [1268]

in Sketchbook8 months ago


Hello everyone!

Today, I want to share with you my new art work. It's a random portrait drawing of an old man with funny expression. He is wearing a beanie cap and has his tongue stuck out in a mockery form.

The portrait was done with a blue ballpoint pen on a cardboard paper. I used scribble technique to create this piece.

Below are my step-by-step processes:




Thank you.


Haha how playful is this?!!

Some of your works make me wonder where you got the inspiration. I would imagine creating an expression like this is much more difficult than a smile or a pensive pose.

Do you take inspiration and example from photos or live moments?

I take inspiration from both. Everyday life activities and from photos I see that interest me while surfing the net.
Thanks for your kind words.

Your drawing is always amazing
I hope we meet one day to learn how to sketch most expecially the cribble technique used for this drawing.

Thanks man. I hope so too.
Where do you base?

I base in kwara state, Nigeria

Okay. That's too far from mine.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thanks for the support 👍

Haha, he does have a very funny expression. Well done

Oh yeah, thank you.

I wonder why he brought out his tongue
It is just like when someone is telling me Elaaaaa...lol

It's obvious. Just wanna catch cruise😊

This is a good one @maxwellmarcusart.

Thanks buddy👍
It's been a while😊

Beautiful artwork, This old man got some energy left in him, the way he tongue is out ennn, anyways, I got my own tongue too papa😜😜

Lol, you wanna challenge him?
Don't even think about it😄

You have done your job very well.

This is great @maxwellmarcusart, such a wonderful expression you have captured. Xxxx

Thank you ma'am. It was interesting to work on him. His expression is really amusing😊