1 week and 1 day.

in Cycling17 days ago

1 week and 1 day, sometimes thats all it takes for a crazy idea to become tangible reality.

As I cycle around my favourite little hill side lake, it comes up again. That feeling, free and wide the world in front of me, cycling feels more like flying. “Why can’t I keep pedalling like that forever?”

Every cell in my body gets very excited at the thought of leaving again, by bike. Only the rational side of my brain is there to remind me that I am scared like a kid to sleep wild in the bushes by myself and that all my camping gear isn’t in the same country as I am. Overly or rightfully enthusiastic I quickly decide that time to face that fear is overdue and needed some new camping equipment, anyway. A warmer sleeping bag, a smaller mattress, a lighter tent.

Not sure wether I was about to take hasty decisions or about to follow my intuition right I start to go through all the second hand websites I know.

A good deal, but too far away, too expensive or already sold.

Two days later I pick up a sleeping bag with a mattress from a guy that lives just around the corner. And another two days after that I cycle through a beautiful forest to pick up my tent in the next town.

One week later I am walking to and fro picking up items, squishing then into bags, wondering if I really thought of everything. Nervous, excited, wondering if I was about to do something a little to big for my shoes.

Where was I going to sleep? Was I going to be fine? Where would I end up this time?

And then I start to sense, that I am about to do the right thing.

It took less than a week for everything I needed to show up in front of me. It took me one week to almost effortlessly prepare for this trip. And how I was feeling in that moment, was exactly how I aspire my life to be.

Exciting, a bit scary and one number too big for myself.

Thats where I want to be, thats where I grow. I will find places to sleep. I am going to be fine. And I will end up in some interesting place, wether that will be one country or many borders away.

It only took 1 week and 1 day for this adventure to start, where will it lead me in 1 week and 1 day from now?

Cheers to all of you for stopping by, enjoy your time!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


Ooh, this is so beautiful! I got excited too while reading!
I love that feeling too, and usually the best and most precious moments come out of it.
You will have a great trip!

So nice to see some of my favorite Hivers/people comment on each other's posts :^) ♥️

That's nice to read!! Thank you💜
...It does go pretty good so far indeed😊

I am excited for you. You sure set an example of healthy and intuitive living. Love to see your face on your blog too :^)

Thank you!!💜 That's seriously good to hear, especially since one recurrent thought of mine is, that to get anywhere good it usually comes from following the intuition (and can turn very bad if not so)...
yep, a shy guest around here, my face😁

So exciting!! I am very impressed that you have brought everything together and are starting this bike adventure once again. It truly is the most indepth way to explore a country (or continent!). Best of luck to you!

Thank you💜 It is amazing indeed, so slow and you get to explore all the corners, and before you notice it you still got very far...

Good luck in your adventure! It's always good to have some fear, that means it's a challenge for yourself. You are going to have a great time :)

Thank you❤️
Yes!! I think so too, fear can actually be a great inspiration that lead to awesome adventures:)

Cool! Another cycling adventure. Are you doing this all by yourself or do you have a compagnon?

Lovely sky in that photo by the way. I totally see why you want to do this.

Good luck on your journey and keep sharing your updates with us please!

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Another one, I just couldn't help it😁
All by myself this time... meanwhile I am rarely by myself😊
Thank you, I will, actually I am quite excited to do so!!

Sooo inspiring, dearest soulsister!

Indeed a lot of inspiration seems to be around😊🌸

Sometimes nervousness will not direct us to the right decision making. A sleep and a peace of the mind will always be the right decision making guide.

You will be fine in the end

Indeed, I highly agree on the sleep and calmness for decision making!
Thank you:)

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

I made quite a few mistakes like that 😆 which is not to say you will! I’m glad you are out exploring and going with the flow.

I could have avoided all my big mistakes by making a backup plan, which I do now! I Plan for a crazy wild plan A and have a emergency plan B 😀

Well I have to admit, a lot of hasty decisions can go wrong. Though at least one night sleep between idea and action can eliminate a lot of mistakes already...
The backup plan sounds good though (the crazy one too😁), already attaching more than one reason to any action helps I guess.