The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 357 Winners

in BEER23 days ago

Here we are with the winners of the week 357 of our really thirsty #BeerSaturday Challenge.

Everybody who joins our weekly challenge is a winner as this means fun and a worldwide community of friends and beer lovers.

The Participants

This week, we had 13 active participants in our challenge. This is great!

List of participants and their submissions

As you can see, we once again had some interesting stories on the beloved topic of beer.:

Columns: T-> Tag #beersaturday P-> 3+ images W-> 200+ words

They all did a good job with their posts about beer.

The Winners

This week, there was 14 HIVE, 16 BEER, 50 LEO and 500 Ecency POINT to win.
Here are the winners and their prizes for this week.

@zekepickleman20 LEO
@akipponn6 HIVE
@heroldius7 BEER
@pazartesi15 LEO
@duskobgd250 POINTS
@marianomariano5 HIVE
@josiva5 BEER
@leaky2010 LEO
@abeerhunter250 POINTS
@ablaze5 LEO
@seckorama3 HIVE
@harveyword3 BEER

All prizes drawn by our really drunken jury

Congratulation to all our winners. We are looking forward to seeing you next week with a few pictures of a new beer. Remember there is always a new week and a new #BeerSaturday!

Support the challenge

(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday

Do you like what we do with the weekly challenge and you may like to see higher the payouts for all the Hivinans.

Just leave some votes and let me know if you like to be named as a supporter.


Many thanks to @arcange, @pfunk, @balte, @alexvan, @cryptobrewmaster, @twinner, @louis88 and @melinda010100 for their POWERFUL support.

PS: If you have a token, a community, a game or anything else on Hive and you like to sponsor the #BeerSaturday challenge, feel free to contact me on Discord #or drop a comment.

Support our Witnesses

I'm running the new detlev.witness. Your support is welcome, It's just a few clicks!

You may also consider voting for those great witnesses: arcange, pfunk and louis.witness.

Now relax and join the next #BeerSaturday challenge tomorrow with your cool post about beer.

@Detlev loves Hive

More about @Detlev
Get / shop my book by HIVE
Join the BeerSaturday Challenge



Nice! Looks like contests is growing.
Did I actually mess up my attempt to enter the contest? 🫣

Thank you for the pleasant surprise, and congrats to all the winners!

Thanks @detlev 👍🏻

Congratulations to all the winners!

Congratulations to all participants. I had a lot of fun doing the activity described and preparing this content.

Please @detlev , I would like a clarification, to keep improving and do better next time: according to the box, I missed using the suggested tag. I used it first in my post in the space for them, where else should I use it to fulfill the requirement of the initiative? 👇 Thank you very much.

Captura de pantalla (1194).png

Thanks for all my friend!

Congratulations to all participants.

Yeah! Thanks for the prize and hosting the beer community 🍻 I look forward to writing a new beer post tomorrow. Prost!

Thanks for the Leo and congrats to the other winners!

Thanks for the BEER 🙏
Have a great weekend


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@heroldius(1/5) tipped @detlev

Asante sana 👍