Paix Dieu - with 10% fun

in BEER16 days ago

See who I met

Friday evening and close the the beer country Belgium 🇧🇪 I found this gem of a beer.

The Paix Dieu comes with smiling 10% of alc and my friend had the right glass available.

Let the weekend start


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About the beer

Paix Dieu is a standout Belgian Abbey beer, brewed by the Caulier brewery. It boasts a rich history and a unique, high-quality flavor that sets it apart.

This is not just any beer; it's an authentic Abbey beer brewed using traditional monastic methods, dating back to the monks of the Paid Dieu Abbey. This historical touch gives Paix Dieu a special authenticity and a deep cultural heritage.


One of the coolest things about Paix Dieu is its triple fermentation process. This method includes bottle fermentation, adding layers of complexity and depth to the beer. It results in a rich, multifaceted flavor that’s really something special.

When it comes to ingredients, Paix Dieu doesn’t cut any corners. Only the finest natural ingredients are used, like pure spring water, selected malts, and hops. This commitment to quality is a hallmark of Paix Dieu, ensuring an exceptional taste in every sip.


Pouring a glass of Paix Dieu is a treat for the eyes. It has a golden hue topped with a thick, frothy white head. Thanks to the bottle conditioning, it often has a slight cloudiness. The aroma hits you with a mix of fruity esters, floral hops, and subtle malt sweetness. The taste is a delightful blend of fruit, spices, and a hint of honey. It’s perfectly balanced between sweetness and bitterness, making for a rich and satisfying experience.

With an alcohol content of around 10%, Paix Dieu packs a punch typical of Belgian Triples. But don’t let that scare you off; it’s surprisingly smooth and drinkable. The higher alcohol content adds a pleasant warmth that complements the complex flavors.


And here’s a fun fact: Paix Dieu is only brewed during full moons. This quirky tradition harks back to the monks' practices and adds a unique twist to its production. It’s a nod to nature and history that makes enjoying Paix Dieu even more special.

Paix Dieu is a true gem in the world of Belgian beers. Loved by beer enthusiasts, it’s a testament to exceptional craftsmanship and a rich brewing heritage. Each bottle of Paix Dieu tells a story of tradition, quality, and passion for brewing. If you’re a beer lover, this is one you don’t want to miss.

At the BBQ



My result

Better take just two of them

The taste is great and come with a lot of details - smooth but powerful

It comes perfect with the original glass.


Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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Now that's a great way to start the weekend! Cheers!

My mouth is watering as I read how you describe in detail every component and sensation of this beer. I am very tempted to get my hands on one and give it a try! Plus, with so much cultural input behind it and all that mysticism of the monks and the full moon, it turns out to be a very appealing offer. 🔮

Yeah - it is worth a try.


 15 days ago  

Hey @detlev, here is a little bit of BEER from @fjworld for you. Enjoy it!

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It looks like a very good beer... Generally 10% alcohol for a beer is a bit too much for me. But given your description, I'm tempted 😀
Have a great weekend

I sipped this over a longer time and this worked well. Not a beer you drink straight away


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Beautiful glass and very interesting bottle, with a high neck...
Probably interesting to drink straight from the bottle 🙂

Do you know there is a 'special variant'?
Paix Dieux Blue Moon:
It's the same beer but brewed at a blue moon (= second full moon in a particular month). This happens only once every 2 to 3 years. The image on the bottle will show a blue moon in that case. ;)

Greets from a fellow Belgian beer lover! 🍻