The REAL #BeerSaturday | BrewDog 📍 HH 🇩🇪 [Eng][Esp]

in BEERlast month

Craft Beer, Bar & Restaurant
St. Pauli, Reeperbahn, 1. Hamburg, Germany

What could be better than enjoying a beer weekend? Let me emphasize it, recreating our beloved #BeerSaturday with the founder of this amazing initiative @detlev and the great Hivers that @tibfox has managed to gather in this edition of #buzzparty2024.

A great way to close a first and long day of activities with lots of food, a perfect plan to discuss in a closer way several things, opinions and illusions about our blockchain.

Taking the time to bring users the live experience of the project, is an interesting way to motivate and demonstrate how easy, fun and spontaneous it can be to create content worth reading, if you enjoy the moment, it will be very easy to share an interesting blog about that moment, and boy did we enjoy!


¿Qué podría ser mejor que disfrutar de un fin de semana cervecero? Déjame enfatizarlo, recrear nuestro querido #BeerSaturday con el fundador de esta increíble iniciativa @detlev y los grandiosos Hivers que ha logrado reunir @tibfox en esta edición del #buzzparty2024

Una excelente forma de cerrar un primer y largo día de actividades con mucha comida, un plan perfecto para discutir de una forma más cercana varias cosas, opiniones e ilusiones sobre nuestra blockchain.

Tomarse el tiempo de llevar a los usuarios la experiencia en directo del proyecto, es una interesante forma de motivar y demostrar cuán fácil, divertido y espontáneo puede ser crear contenido que valga la pena leer, si disfrutas del momento, será muy fácil compartir un interesante blog sobre ese día, y vaya que disfrutamos!

One of the first impressions upon entering BrewDog was the surprise of having such a comfy and ample space, it's surprising how spacious many venues are in this city. Discovering the reserved space with three tables just for us was very pleasant, despite the bustle of the moment, we were able to talk comfortably while enjoying the wide range of drinks on offer which, surprisingly, was not limited to just beers and soft drinks.

Upon my positive impression, our #Beersaturday host made a very accurate remark, was there any doubt that he would take us to a place that wasn't up to par? Of course not, the place was impressive and full of energy.


Una de las primeras impresiones al entrar a BrewDog fue la sorpresa de contar con un espacio tan cómodo y amplio, es sorprendente lo espacioso que muchos locales son en esta ciudad. Descubrir el reservado con tres mesas solo para nosotros fue muy agradable, a pesar de lo bullicioso del momento, pudimos hablar cómodamente mientras disfrutábamos de la amplia oferta de bebidas que, sorprendentemente, no se limitaba solamente a cervezas y bebidas sin alcohol.

Ante mi positiva impresión, nuestro anfitrión del #Beersaturday hizo una acotación muy certera,¿acaso cabía duda de que nos llevaría a un lugar que no estuviese a la altura? Por supuesto que no, el local era impresionante y lleno de energía.

The variety to choose from is wide enough for any visitor to have a good time.

They have a large fridge with their own and external offer of bottled and canned beers. In addition to the taps with different styles of beers to enjoy them really fresh.

But the most surprising thing was to see that they have a menu with a variety of distilled liquors and spirits. I checked the menu after the surprise of finding bottles of rum on the bar, interesting.


La variedad para elegir es lo suficientemente amplia para que cualquier visitante pueda pasárselo bien.

Tienen una amplia nevera con la oferta propia y externa de cervezas embotelladas y en latas. Además de los grifos con diversos estilos de cervezas para disfrutar de ellas realmente frescas.

Pero lo más sorprendente fue ver que disponen de una carta con diversos licores destilados y espirituosos. Revisé la carta después de encontrar botellas de ron en la barra, interesante.

Let's get down to the important stuff here, a small sample of how much you can try at this place.

It had been quite a long day and honestly, after a hearty dinner I wasn't too keen to try an excessive amount of taps and exotic creations, so I decided to go for the easy stuff, The two styles of beer that I enjoy the most lately and that here, in this great brew house in Hamburg, they brew very well.

The first one I tried was a very attractively named wheat beer I'm juicy and I know It with 5% alcohol for a value of 4,90 €.

Its name does it enough justice, it's a refreshing beer with a mild bitterness, I felt it quite light because it certainly disappeared fast from my glass.

I continued with the 5am Saint, in this case an Amber Ale also with 5% alcohol and priced at 6,90 €, but double the quantity as well.

Fun, sweet and beautifully colored, the style of beer that never disappoints me and was enough to satisfy my intrigue during my first visit to this craft brewery.


Vamos a lo importante aquí, una pequeña muestra de lo mucho que se puede probar en este local.

Había sido un día bastante largo y, sinceramente, luego de una abundante cena no tenía demasiadas ganas de probar una cantidad excesiva de grifos y creaciones exóticas, así que decidí irme por lo fácil, los dos estilos de cerveza que últimamente disfruto más y que aquí, en esta gran casa de cerveza en Hamburg, elaboran muy bien.

La primera que probé fue una cerveza de trigo con un nombre muy atractivo I'm juicy and I know It con 5% de alcohol por un valor de 4,90 €.

Su nombre le hace suficiente justicia, es una cerveza refrescante y con un suave amargor, la sentí bastante ligera porque ciertamente desapareció rápido de mi copa.

Continué con la 5am Saint, en este caso una Amber Ale también con 5% de alcohol y precio de 6,90 €, pero el doble de cantidad también.

Divertida, dulzona y con un precioso color, el estilo de cerveza que nunca me decepciona y que fue suficiente para satisfacer mi intriga durante la primera visita a esta cervecería artesanal.

Of course, it couldn't be a real #BeerSaturday event without the evidence of those of us who were there. It was an unparalleled experience that left me wanting so badly to be able to repeat it in the near future.

The sense of belonging and support as everyone tried to take their photos with the #BeerSaturday sign was great. That we all had the same desire to document that moment with different perspectives is priceless.

I'm going to limit myself only to mention some of my colleagues who appear in the photo, to avoid spamming tags and to thank them in particular for the good time and the nice chat they had with me during this unforgettable tasting.

Of course thanking Detlev for this great idea and wishing him the best for the challenge to continue for many, many more weeks and with more and more participants.

An essential photo was the one with @ph1102, someone I feel almost like family even though we've only met twice. It gives me a lot of peace of mind to have attended the meetup knowing that he would be here, the good company!

Besides meeting @cryptospa and @mypathtofire and being able to chat not only about Hive, but also about the life experiences that have led us all to coincide here has been beautiful, each of us have gone through moments in our lives that make us share certain ideals and I think that's beautiful.

Ah! And of course I was not going to miss the opportunity to steal a picture of our superstar @arcange who was present in every activity, showing himself very close and interested in the opinions and needs that we commented between chats. It's great to see that the people behind all this are real and unique, thanks for everything my friend!

In conclusion, it has been a great experience, a fun time and a spectacular closing of the first day of the meetup. We will have to repeat it without a doubt!


Por supuesto, no podía ser un real evento de #BeerSaturday sin la evidencia de quienes estuvimos compartiendo allí. Fue una experiencia inigualable que me dejó con muchísimas ganas de poder repetirla en un futuro cercano.

El sentido de pertenencia y apoyo mientras cada uno intentaba hacer sus fotos con el cartel del #BeerSaturday fue genial. Que todos tuviésemos la mismas ganas de documentar ese momento con distintas perspectivas, no tiene precio.

Me voy a limitar solamente a mencionar a algunos compañeros que aparecen en la foto, por evitar hacer spam de tags y por agradecerles en particular el buen rato y la agradable charla que mantuvieron conmigo durante esta inolvidable cata.

Por supuesto agradeciendo a Detlev por esta grandiosa idea y desearle lo mejor para que el reto continúe por muchísimas semanas más y cada vez con más participantes.

Una foto imprescindible era en la que aparezco con @ph1102 alguien al que siento casi como familia, a pesar de que nos hayamos visto tan solo en dos oportunidades. Me transmite mucha tranquilidad haber asistido al meetup sabiendo que él estaría aquí, la buena compañía!

Además conocer a @cryptospa y a @mypathtofire y poder charlar no solo de Hive, sino de las experiencias vitales que nos han llevado a todos a coincidir aquí ha sido hermoso, cada uno hemos atravesado momentos en nuestra vida que nos hacen compartir ciertos ideales y creo que eso es bonito.

¡Ah! Y claro que no iba a perder la oportunidad de robarle una foto a nuestra súper estrella @arcange que estuvo presente en cada actividad, mostrándose muy cercano e interesado en las opiniones y necesidades que comentábamos entre charla y charla. Es genial comprobar que la personas detrás de todo esto son reales y únicas, gracias por todo amigo!

En conclusión, que ha sido una experiencia grandiosa, un momento divertido y un cierre espectacular de un primer día de meetup. Habrá que repetirlo sin duda alguna. Ahí lo dejo jaja.

I'm attending #buzzparty2024 meetup 😃

Thanks for dropping by!

Free Icons from: Iconfinder
Event ticket: acquired through Buzzparty
Photo credits: All of the photos in this post
were taken by me with my iPhone 11 and belong to me.


It was really a wonderful event thanks to @tibfox and it was really nice to meet you.


It was soooo nice meeting you!!! Thanks a lot for the magazine, I’ll try to make my way to be featured some day 🤣

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How cool, the space indeed looks comfy and what a great Hive gang there!!

But what @ph1102 was drinking? I don't see a glass in front of him, but two in front of you hahaha 😂

It was an apple juice... 😜

In one of its versions indeed 😉 🍹

An outstanding crew for a pub 🙂
Cheers 🍻

Yeih! Was a great night on an excellent place. Thanks for passing by! Cheers 🍻

I heard today on #HHHlive from @ph1102 and @mypathtofire that you had a great time all days, not just that night at the pub 😀

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot for the support guys. I really appreciate it!!!

I stopped by BrewDog Barcelona last Thursday night after the GifmeBeer event. I explained the project to the bartender and gave him a sticker of our brewer. He added it to the collection. Can you see it? :)

@quekery, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @ninaeatshere gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Estupendo el lugar, me encantó la variedad de colores y todo lo que ofrecen, se nota muy agradable y sobre todo ustedes la pasaron genial.
Bellas fotografías.
Saludos Nina

Holaaa! Sí sí, fue un lugar muy bien elegido para terminar un día de muchas actividades, lo disfrutamos mucho. Disculpa que tardara en responder, son días movido tos aún. Gracias por pasarte por aquí!!!

 last month  

Fue un verdadero placer conocerte en el meetup de Hamburg.

Espero que tengamos la oportunidad de volver a vernos en una próxima #buzzparty o en un próximo HiveFest.

Un abrazo 🤗

Oye pues muy amable de tu parte pasar a saludar en español. Espero que en una próxima oportunidad podamos hablar un poco más, pero creo que para ser mi primer meetup ha estado genial.

I really appreciate your time and work, big hug back!

What a great post. I love to see how much you enjoy this #beersaturday


See you in action.

Hahaha I loved your photo, you had me watched and I didn't realize it in time hahaha. Thanks to you, for taking the initiative to include a #beersaturday in our meet up! It was a pleasure to meet you!

Hermoso @ninaeatshere las fotos bellas hablan por si solo. Es muy agradable conocer personas así, muy interesante.

Interesante es la palabra, se aprende mucho escuchando a otras personas que llevan tanto tiempo en la blockchain, es primera vez que tengo oportunidad de hacerlo. Un saludo!!!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@sacra97(7/15) tipped @ninaeatshere

Que hermosa y rica experiencia bella ❤️. Definitivamente este es un mundo que no conoce de barreras. Felicidades 🥳🥳🤸🏾‍♀️✨️

Que increible experiencia! ❤️❤️ Ojalá algún dia poder también estar por allá...
Y bueno al menos los que si o si quedaron felices fueron los del bar con las ordenes de cerveza 😂

Hola, Chama!
Siempre es un placer escucharte ☺️ por qué nos muestras y nos enseñas 0tras culturas.


Hola chamita jejeje que bueno que lo encuentres interesante, es interesante descubrir distintos puntos de vista sobre el mismo mundo web3. Toy aprendiendo muchas cositas.

Qué suerte estar en un evento así.
A ver si puedo ir al próximo #buzzparty
Soy fiel seguidor de #beersaturday y celebrarlo así tiene que estar muy bien.
Tiiene que ser curioso también poner cara a los perfiles de gente que lees a diario.
Un saludo


Hey, I was talking about you with @detlev hahaha he told me to send you the invitation so that you would be encouraged to attend an upcoming event!

Tendremos que quedar con @palomap3 un día, que estamos los tres en Zaragoza y no nos conocemos!!!

Siiii tienes muuuchas cosas que contarnos, jeje. Estoy deseando conocer todo lo que viviste en el meet-up de Hamburgo. 🤩

Perdón por mi tardanza en responder, la semana pasada estuve de vacaciones y hoy empiezo a retomar todo. 😅

Gracias por compartir la experiencia: buen lugar, buena cerveza y, lo mejor, buenos amigos. Un saludo muy grande @ninaeatshere

Yes, it was a pleasant evening and the Brewdogs !BEER was very tasty!

You’re so right, I really enjoy the beers I taste and was an excellent place for our big group.
I’m glad you came to the blog :D

What a great post and evening we had in the BrewDog! I was very impressed by the selection of beers available and I have not had so many good laughs in ages! Thank you for the great company and fotos!

Thanks to you for all the added value and interesting reflections you shared on each topic of conversation, it was a time of laughter but also of interesting conversation !!!!

Thank you! It was a really great evening that past far too quickly! I can see in one of your fotos myself chatting with @edje! Good times!

You guys got into deep interesting conversation from time to time hahaha.

we did, thanks for noticing 🎶

Looks like an amazing place to hangout!

Sí!!! Esta muy bien para grupos, además era enoooorme!!

Ese lugar es tan original, me encantaría visitarlo. Veo que la pasaron muy bien Nina, las cervezas siempre vienen bien en compañía de algunos colegas.

I should have joined you, it looks like a fab evening!
But it was always also a family affair for me.. 🤷
Hope to see you next time!

During that evening I thought about trying to contact you to invite you to join us, but I thought you had enough travel and event activities for one day.

They say that good things must be dosed hahaha so it wasn't bad to enjoy your company even if it was just for a while.

Congratulations @ninaeatshere! You received a personal badge!

Congratulations, you made it and joined us at the BuzzParty Hamburg Meetup (Germany)

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Unveiling the BuzzParty Meetup 2024 Badge

An essential photo was the one with @ph1102, someone I feel almost like family even though we've only met twice. It gives me a lot of peace of mind to have attended the meetup knowing that he would be here, the good company!

Thank you so much for your kind words! It was a pleasure to spend time with you during the weekend! So many great stories and exchanged ideas, dreams, and wishes...

Thanks for your company! 😍

It was very interesting! At that time we had already been through so many things in one day that the brewery came as "anillo al dedo" to relax. The comment I make about the company is totally sincere, it was a pleasure to have shared that experience together!!!

During the whole weekend, I had a rollercoaster of "feelings"... In the mornings I would have migraines, but during the day, I would feel better and better... and to be honest, that night, and the next one, I was feeling the best... maybe it was because of the mix of headaches pills and alcohol... lol... 😂

 last month  

Hey @ninaeatshere, here is a little bit of BEER from @quekery for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

 last month  

Hey @ninaeatshere, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.