Last evening at Noumades Bar

in BEER15 days ago


Last evening I stopped by Noumades Bar in town. This bar changed ownership a few months ago, a couple from Brazil took the place, and they relaunched it as a craft beer bar where you can also have wine and taste some of its delicious food



The owners are quite active and promote several events every month. Last night it was a Wylie Brewery night offering two of the brewery beers with live music, We have been running a promo with Wylie for the past five weeks, were beer lovers can get the NFTs of their five new beers is they order them in one of their bars. Next week they will raffle some prizes among all of those who have collected the five NFTs


I had a nice conversation with Alberto, the owner, while I was waiting for the Wylie guys to show up. He explained to me how he and his wife landed in town just a few months before the pandemic and how he decided to relaunch this place finally. He understands events are a way to engage the audience and is quite active in organizing them.

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While there, I also had a chance to meet with the owners of Rec Brew, a nomad craft beer brand from town I have seen at several craft beer fairs. I explained the GifmeBeer business model to him and he was quite interested in listening to it. They are having their anniversary fest next Saturday 25th so we may end up releasing a new GifmeBeer NFT with them for the occasion.


and a !BEER for you

Love to see your power and passion to grow

 15 days ago  

Hey @santigs, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!