dark.rose cross-posted this post in Hive PH 2 months ago

Nature's Essence in Daily Lives

In the rhythm of our daily lives, each passing day is a story waiting to be told. Every 24-hour period is jam-packed with experiences, ranging from ordinary tasks to surprising turns. Join me as we unravel the tapestry of a single day, where the commonplace and the exceptional collide in the most surprising ways.

On that day, we had only one plan to follow, but unexpectedly, we were having so many rollercoasters of happenings within that day.

This happened on April 5, 2024. But way back on April 3 our class was suspended due to Heat weather, so we were tasked to do our module and pass it on April 5. We passed our modules, and get our card and award for the 3rd Grading.

We reunite with our friends and decided to do our crochet for our one particular subject in business.

It was scorching hot outside, but luckily our friend's house had a hut nearby, and it's cozy inside the hut. It's not so hot, but we prepared water to stay hydrated.

Outside the hut, you can clearly see that it was really a sunny day. That rooster was not owned by our friends family, but they are the ones keeping watch over it because the true owners are working, but they come home in the evening.

Moving on from the surroundings, we were preparing our materials.


To start crocheting keychains, we prepare the yarn in different colors and suitable crochet hooks. Prepare tools, such as scissors and a yarn needle, for finishing. Organizing these materials will make it more easier the process and enable us to create beautiful keychains with ease.

As we start crocheting, we chitchat about our grades. Later on, we recieved a message from our leader for research, saying that we will be searching for black long spine sea urchin. They were deciding on exactly where we can find those, and so we tried at Mangroves, Tinaan.


Upon arriving at Tinaan, we walk a miles to arrive at Mangroves. There was already a path leads to Mangroves, although it was a bit risky but we managed.

With each step, the sounds of nature enveloped us, and the scent of saltwater mingled with the earthy aroma of the forest floor.

As we continued to walk, we encountered a land seemed to suffer from intense heat, nearly on the brink of drought, maybe?

On the opposite side, we came across a vast swamp. The air was humid, and the ground was muddy.

As we continued our walks, we eventually arrived at our destination - a serene and tranquil ocean. The sight before us was breathtaking, with the vast expanse of blue stretching out as far as the eye could see.
The ocean seemed to have a calming effect on everyone around. The salty breeze brushed against our skin, carrying with it a sense of peace and serenity. We couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty and tranquility of the ocean, as it provided a moment of respite from the chaos of the world.

Are you familiar with Apo Cement Factory? Well, here it is.
We can see from here the factory of Apo Cement. The sight of the factory extending towards the ocean was both impressive and thought-provoking.

After exploring the sights, we sought shade and found a perfect spot under tall, local thorn bushes near the ocean.
This natural canopy offered us a cool, serene refuge away from the sun.

After we find the perfect place to hide from the sun, we went down to the sea and started looking for the sea urchin. It was high tide at that time and we don't see any sea urchin. It's like we're fooling ourselves to find those sea urchins.


This was taken before we went into the sea.

Nearly half an hour, we see nothing. We just bathed in the sea, and enjoy our remaining time. My classmates who are in the shore waved at us whose swimming, so we come to them. We decided that we will be going home, we packed our things and walk again to the path we followed earlier.

It was a great day to remember that many things will happen within just one day. With a heart full of thankfulness for the small pleasures and meaningful moments that make up the fabric of daily existence, I bid farewell to another day full of the beauty of our nature.

Thank you for being a part of this journey through the beauty of our experiences for everyday lives, and may we continue to find wonder in the moments that make up our lives.


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Feedback from the April Hive Power Up Day

sa opong beach na ba klaro kaayo mao pud na ako permi anhaan pahangin skl haha🥹

Kana nga lugar ang wa nako nahibaw'an HAHAHA basta kay naabot nami ara