I like to move it move it

in Discovery-it23 days ago


We are a little bit ahead of schedule this year, but @mrsbozz and I are taking our first camping trip of the season this weekend. That's my rig in the photo above sitting in the parking lot of the school all ready to go sometime this afternoon. Since we work about half an hour north from where we live, it just made sense to bring it with us today versus driving home, hooking up, and then driving back this way.

I actually did most of the "hooking up" last night. All I had to do this morning was switch the power and pull the wheel chocks. You probably didn't notice, but I got some new wheels on the truck recently. It cost me a pretty penny, but I think it looks much better and more importantly, it is much safer. The tread on my old tires was almost non existent!

Preliminary forecasts indicate that we could have a significant Aurora Borealis tonight thanks to a massive sunspot or geomagnetic storm or some combination of the two. It will just be a matter of the clouds staying away and it actually happening. I've been following the aurora for several years now and I know that unless you are in Alaska, Northern Canada, or Iceland she is pretty unpredictable. A good forecast could fizzle by the time it gets dark. We will see!

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

It is Friday today, so while my mind is clearly on camping, it's only right that I should carve out some space to talk about finance.


In case you haven't heard yet, Pinmapple is closing up shop. It sounds more like a lack of time thing than a lack of funds thing. I know the Pinmapple account has been pretty generous over the years, so they should have a decent stake built up from curation rewards.

It's still pretty sad to see it go. I've used the service for quite a while now to chronicle some of my travels. It was nice to see my little pin show up on the map and be linked to my Hive blog post. There is a possibility someone might pick up the reigns, but in my experience, it's pretty rare that things are ever quite as good once they get taken over.

I can think of a few initiatives that we have lost over the past year. This bear has been draining both financially and emotionally. I hope we don't see too many more good projects leave Hive.


If you read my post yesterday, you might remember I promised some big news. Well, surprise surprise, it has to do with that Retik token I invested in that I am just waiting for the rug to be pulled out.

This past week, we finally got an announcement from the "team" that they are going to launch the token on May 21st. Then, a few short days later, they opened up their new swap platform. If you know Telegram, you can probably assume that this has put everyone into a tizzy.

With no token, no rewards, and virtually no communication these people think all of their fears have been alleviated and this thing is going to moon.

Trust me, I hope it does moon, I hope the team follows through and we all make a bunch of money off this thing, but I'm not holding my breath. It still just feels like a long con to me, I'm not sure what the end goal is now that they have already gotten the money, but something just doesn't sit right with me.

It has also been revealed that they plan on releasing the tokens in a vesting schedule. If the tokens actually do exist, the vesting could help price impact from people dumping as soon as the tokens drop... because you know people will dump. We've seen it a million times, it's just human nature.

Personally, I'd like to see some kind of staking mechanism. I'd dump some of my tokens for a gain and then try to earn some passive income on the rest of them. Collect that income regularly and move it into stables or something like that.

We will see...

17th Century Coins Found

This probably isn't "new" news, but I saw this article the other day talking about a family in England that was renovating their home and they found a hoard of 1000+ gold and silver coins from the 17th century.

It always blows me away just how old stuff is over there compared to here in the US. Sure, we have the indigenous peoples and they were here for plenty of years before anyone else arrived, but most of those buildings (if they had buildings) aren't still standing or used on a daily basis like they are over in the UK and Europe.

The auction price on the coins was somewhere around $76,000 which I actually find a little low. I would have guessed a couple hundred thousand dollars if not millions. Just based on the historical value alone. Nevermind the spot value of the gold and silver.

It sounds like most of the coins were auctioned off individually versus all being sold in one big lot which I guess makes sense as they would be accessible to more people.

Can you imagine though? Just tooling around with the pickaxe one day and coming across something like this? It almost sounds too good to be true doesn't it?

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


Hope luck is with you to witness Aurora Borealis tonight, might not find coins hidden in a garden, seeing natures light show could be an enriching reward as well.

Sad to hear Pinapple is winding down, have a wonderful time away with @mrsboss testing the rig and look forward to hearing results.


Thanks, I appreciate that! Yeah, I hope we get lucky tonight. I have seen them a couple times, but she has never seen the lights, so I am hopeful for her!

Something I would love to experience, so rooting for you this side of the pond!

We got to see them. They were quite amazing. Photos next week for sure.

Covered a large area over USA congrats on seeing them and look forward to seeing the pics! Enjoy the rest of your time out.

Have a good trip Bozz! Those new wheels look pretty smart. Looking forward to your camping report.

Thanks, I appreciate it! Oddly enough, I am hoping it is a very uneventful weekend. My plan is to sit by the lake and do nothing!

Fun times! I hope you get to see the Northern Lights. That camper is enormous. Enjoy and be safe out there!

Thanks! If the weather holds and the numbers flip right I think they are supposed to dip pretty far south tonight. We will see though. It's actually pretty small at only 26 feet. Most people haul around rigs over 30 feet these days.

Have a great camping trip. You have to remember that people hid all their possessions back then. There’s a great story on a couch that was given to charity in England that the people who got it found hundreds of gold sovereigns hidden inside its framing. Remember they have a much older history.

Thanks! We are heading back to a State Park that we haven't visited in a while, so I am excited to get back there. I saw a comedian once and one of his bits was about how he was from Europe "where the real history is". It was pretty funny. That is so crazy about the couch. Gold and silver just laying about the place over there!

Cool... I hope you have lot fun 😋☕🥖👌👌👌 have you tried this new toilet bowl with that burns all shite to ashes

I have not seen that. Pretty crazy. Ours all goes into a tank and then we dump it into a special area at the park before we leave. We can usually go about four days before we need to worry about dumping.

If you try one day ... let as know how good it is :))

Too bad! I use Pinmapple whenever it is appropriate. So sad!!!
Enjoy your camping trip with the mrs!

@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (12/20)

Me too! Thank you!

Hope you had a fantastic trip! Find any coins at the campground that maybe a pirate stashed there years and years ago?? Yeah, that would have been a long walk inland from the coast. Better luck next time. hehe.

Oh Yeah.. Rig looks really nice!

Thanks, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, metal detecting is illegal in Michigan state parks. If I even owned one. It was an awesome weekend. Cold, but we got to see the Aurora.

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

I would love to find a stash like that one!

@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (13/50)

No doubt!

That's some set up chief! Dig the new wheels and the caravan looks massive! Hope ye had a good one and pity the Northern Lights evaded ye.

It was awesome. No, we actually got to see the lights. It was awesome. This is actually a pretty small rig compared to most people in the US these days.

I hope you caught the Northern Lights last night. They were displaying very nice here in Europe, although we missed them (but we have seen them a fair bit before, Scotland is pretty good for seeing them). We are going to try looking again for them tonight.
Our last house was built in 1750 but had been renovated a number of times before we got it, so found nothing special inside, however, we did have a friend go over the garden with a metal detector. He found some silver six pences from around the 1930s which was cool (quite small and quite worn, but still a nice find).

Wow, that is a cool find! We did get to see them and I am really excited to share some photos this week.

Hey @bozz, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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