Promoting Hive on streets 📍Pisa [Eng][Esp] | My Actifit Report Card: April 25 2024

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Keith Haring, Acrylic paint. 1989
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. Pisa, Italy

Among all the great things that happened during the #BuzzParty2024 that @tibfox organized for us, one of the things that really seduced us was the variety of merch that they made available to us, free of charge thanks to @valueplan, so that we could not only take a souvenir of the event, but also advertise the platform on our own.

I have to admit that I've almost never been one to promote brands in this way, but I was encouraged by the idea of being able to leave a trace of us in the real world through the stickers we were given. There were many styles and from the ones I chose, I decided to leave some at certain places where I would continue my journey after the event.


Entre todas las grandiosas cosas que pasaron durante la #BuzzParty2024 que nos organizó @tibfox , una de las que nos sedujo mucho fue la variedad de merch que puso a nuestra disposición, sin costo alguno gracias a @valueplan, para que no solo nos lleváramos un recuerdo del evento, sino para que también publicitáramos la plataforma por nuestra cuenta.

Tengo que admitir que casi nunca he sido de promocionar marcas de esta manera, pero me animó la idea de poder dejar un rastro nuestro en el mundo real a través de las pegatinas que nos regalaron. Había muchos estilos y de las que escogí, decidí ir dejando por ciertos lugares en los que continuaría mi viaje después de evento.

So I start today in the historic city of Pisa, which gave me the idea to look for alternative ways to entertain myself, because it turned out to be much smaller than I expected. I ended up wandering around the same streets several times, so it came to my mind to look for a suitable place to place the Hive stickers I had with me.

The first place I left the sticker, was a bit of a backwater, as I wandered through the backstreets trying to stumble upon some interesting corner of the city. I didn't find much, but I saw stickers on a pipe and added the Hive one.


Por lo que empiezo hoy en la histórica ciudad de Pisa , que me dio pie a que buscara formas alternativas de entretenerme, porque resultó ser mucho más pequeña de lo que esperaba. Terminé dando vueltas por ls mismas calles en varias oportunidades, así que me vino a la mente buscar algún lugar indicado para ubicar las pegatinas de Hive que llevaba conmigo.

El primer lugar en donde dejé la etiqueta, fue un poco recóndito, mientras me perdía en las callejuelas intentando toparme con algún rincón interesante de la ciudad. No encontré mucho, pero vi pegatinas en una tubería y añadí la de Hive.

Then I noticed that I could improve the site and decided to repeat the operation later, in a place more crowded by people. That's how a space near the picturesque Tuttomondo mural became home to the next Hive sticker.

Ah, I have to thank @recarvajalp for the idea, who noticed the small box full of stickers located near the mural and gave me the idea to include ours. So it's been a team effort.


Luego observé que podía mejorar el sitio y decidí repetir la operación más adelante, en un lugar más concurrido por la gente. Así fue como un espacio cercano al pintoresco mural Tuttomondo se convirtió en el hogar de la siguiente pegatina de Hive.

¡Ah! Tengo que agradecer a @recarvajalp por la idea, que se fijó en la pequeña caja llena de pegatinas situada cerca del mural y me dio la idea de incluir la nuestra. Así que ha sido un trabajo en equipo.

I had seen, on occasion, posts of people doing this kind of "activism" and it seemed super fun to go around leaving Hive footprints.

Then I realized that maybe I didn't stock up enough on stickers during our meet up. I remember there were a lot of them and now I think I will need many more during my travels hahaha.

I still have so many things to talk about the #BuzzParty but I didn't want to miss this opportunity to share this idea that was born right after that great meeting.

I'll keep sharing the places where I can leave some more stickers, until I run out of them xD This makes it easier for me to go over 20k steps.


Había visto, en alguna oportunidad, publicaciones de gente haciendo este tipo de “activismo” y me pareció súper divertido ir por ahí dejando huellas de Hive.

Entonces me di cuenta que quizá no me abastecí lo suficiente de pegatinas durante nuestro meet up. Recuerdo que había muchas y ahora pienso que necesitaré muchas más durante mis viajes jajaja.
Aún tengo muchísimas cosas de las que hablar sobre la #BuzzParty pero no quería dejar pasar esta oportunidad para compartir esta idea que nació justo después de ese grandioso encuentro.

Seguiré compartiendo los lugares en los que pueda dejar alguna pegatina más, hasta que las agote xD Así se me hace más fácil eso de sobrepasar los 20k pasos.

Thanks for dropping by!

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Photo credits: All of the photos and screencaps
in this post were taken by me, with my iPhone 11, and belong to me.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



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Wow, brilliant idea to scatter them around, now I'm thinking that I also didn't pick up enough of them.
Maybe I need to book that trip to Aachen for the next meetup.
I guess they'll be more to take home.

I hope you have a lovely time in Italy. I remember too how small Pisa was when I went many, many moons ago.

Hahaha You should have warned me about this city xD by half a day I had already toured it hahahaha.

Yes, it's a great idea, but the same thing happened to me, I didn't conceive it at the time and now I don't feel so prepared. I think Aachem would be an interesting alternative!

Jajajaja qué divertido 👏🏻, dejar calcomanías por ahí crea una intriga, es como un acto clandestino, imagínate luego leer algún post donde alguien diga que se unió a Hive porque vio una pegatina en Pisa 😃😁

Eso sería brutal! Hay que personalizarlas con los usuarios para hacer onboarding jaja pero es un forma interesante de correr la voz!

Great work promoting Hive on your travels! There were many cool stickers, I think I didnt grab enough of them too now when I think about it.

Exactly! I think that at the moment we only think about using them for ourselves, but stamping them on the street has been very funny!

Hey thanks a lot for the gift you sent!! ❤️🤑🤣

I have no idea how I missed those stickers in Hamburg... I didn't pick ANY, or was it you in front of me taking them all? 😃 Jokes aside, guerilla marketing with stickers is a great way to promote HIVE, especially knowing that people who check those stickers, murals, and street art are people who are searching for "alternatives"!

Great job!!

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Thanks a lot to the team for the support! ❤️

Hahaha it wasn’t meeeee I regret not taking more couse there were a lot hahaha. It does is a great way, we all should do it!


So nice you promote hive in Pisa!!❤️❤️

Wait and see… I left a small trail also through your city, I'll talk about it soon.🤣