Communities, Tribes and Tags

in HOC3 months ago (edited)

While you can post exclusively to your own Hive blog, it's highly unlikely you'll be noticed that way. Much like in Web2, people are looking for keywords, phrases, etc., in order to find what they want.


With Web3, and Hive especially, people are usually looking for something educational or entertaining. If they've been on Hive long enough, they'll already know where to find it. Rather than expect people to come to you, you'll need to go to where the people are.

Within Hive there are communities dedicated to specific topics, such as photography, food, fashion, precious metals, sports, finance, etc. There are also communities where a variety of topics can be posted and don't focus on a single topic.

For those that are topic-specific, you'll find those searching by keyword under Communities in PeakD, or Groups in Ecency. Some examples of communities that allow you to post topics on a variety of subjects are: Neoxian, PIMP, Cent, Proofofbrain and Waivio.

While tribes are communities on Hive, there are some things that set them apart from a simple Hive community. Tribes will typically have their own front-end and web address. For example, Neoxian has and PIMP has

Many users congregate here, so it's a great place to start, in addition to posting in 1-2 more focused communities. This lets you connect with more people, form friendships and showcase your work to a large group of people.

Tags are important in correctly identifying your work so others can find it easily. They can also be used for some of the general tribes so that your post has the potential to show up on multiple tribe frontends. If you were to use the tags Neoxian and PIMP, there is a good chance your post could become noticed and trend in and The potential here can be great, but also remember to be considerate. Some tribes do not appreciate you using their tags for unrelated topics and will likely mute you, downvote you, etc. Be sure to check their rules around using their tags, and if you are asked to stop using a particular tag, it is best to simply apologize and stop using it.

Once you've found your community/ies, tribe(s) and have mastered tags for your posts, you'll be well on your way to making new friends and getting your content noticed!



You can also create a list to follow a specific topic or avoid a specific topic. Same goes for following/avoiding specific individuals.

Thank you for your suggestion


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Du hast keine Witze mehr für diesen Tag!

@hiq.smartbot du kannst @lolzbot maximal 8 Mal pro Tag nutzen.
Level up, indem du mehr $LOLZ kaufst, damit du mehr Witze pro Tag teilen kannst!