My apple trees are blooming

in Photography Loverslast month


So cool


Last spring, I bought two apple trees from Costco and planted them in my yard. I have always wanted to have fruit trees, so it was cool to finally get some. The bad thing is that it can take a few years for your trees to bear any fruit depending on the age of the tree when you get it.


These tree wont grow any fruit this year, and I am not sure if they will be mature enough to bear fruit next year either. I have heard that you have to pull the flowers off during the first couple years to prevent the trees from trying to grow fruit before they are ready.


If you leave the flowers on and they get pollinated, the tree will divert a lot of energy into trying to grow fruit instead of focusing on creating strong roots and stronger branches.


The trees are still pretty short, so it is really important for me to get rid of the flowers. It sucks pulling these off the tree, but it is best for the future of the trees.


I wanted to wait until at least one of the flowers bloomed before I cut the flowers off the trees. It will be cool to see how many flowers are on the trees next year. I think i will leave a few flowers on some of the stronger branches and see if they get pollinated or not.


Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love all the flowers and the warm weather. This winter was extremely long and we are ready for things to warm up a bit here. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my flowers. I hope there are so many more next year.


Wow, I've never seen an apple tree before

Nice, now you have.

Me encanta, la naturaleza es hermosa.


The plants look really beautiful and I love how you have taken those pictures
I can see you love spring
Nice photos!

Thanks. Spring is awesome. So many colors to photograph.

Myself also love spring :)


It does take a while, but after that, every year you'll have fresh fruit. And home grown food tastes better! ;)

I can't wait to have fruit every year from our backyard. It's going to be great.

Beautiful flowers, it reminds me the one of the cherry blossom jaja

I have never seen an apple trees on real life!!

have you ever seen a mango tree on real life?

I saw mango trees when I lived overseas but I haven't seen any here. A mango tree would be awesome. I love fresh mango.

Here we have them everywhere and they arent hard to take care

That’s so cool. When I was in Thailand, I ate mango all the time.

You captured some amazing apple tree bloom photographs. Some of these are so mesmerizing, especially the macro with the water droplets.

It's good that you think about the future of the tree and take off the flowers so that the energy goes towards making a bigger stronger tree that will bear more fruit later on.

Thanks man. Hopefully it pays off and I get some nice apple harvests in the future.

I never realized how pretty the flowers of apple trees where so pretty!


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