Titus is loving being an only dog

in Photography Lovers2 months ago


He is doing so good


One thing we were worried about after we put Harley down was that Titus was going to be sad. The past two weeks, Titus knew something was up with Harley and I think he knew that Harley was in a lot of pain and wasn't going to be around much longer.


Harley's memory will live on and one of the things we are going to be doing from here on out is to be more intentional with our time with all the other pets we have. Having two dogs and five cats can be a lot at times and it is hard to find the time to take them out on walks and spend quality time with them.


I have been taking Titus on walks each morning and he is loving it. It is going to be nice to have a routine where I take him out on a walk each morning and then he gets another walk in the evening when my wife is home. He wasn't the greatest at going on walks, especially when trying to walk him and Harley at the same time. But he has gotten so much better and doesn't pull or make a lot of noise.


He is getting so good at behaving on walks and I can't wait to bring him along with us when we go out on walks with our grandson after he is born. We don't have much longer and he will be here with us very soon.


HUSKY!!!!!!! 😍
Dogs grieve in a different way, but I glad he is handling it well

Used to have 14 cats and 3 dogs as a kid and yes it was a handful but cats are quite independent until they are hungry, dogs are a little more clingy when they're pups but after that they are okay.

My condolences for your loss to Harley. Never easy when a pet in pain needs to be euthanized

My family had one of the smartest who knew she had to go because she was suffering cancer, and before we even call the doctor to check on her, she dug her own hole at our backyard.

Now I stay in a place where no dogs are allowed. I miss those days, but your photos bring me joy in just looking at them.

14 cats? That is so many. I bet they were all so much fun to play with.

Yeah they were. Slowly, some were adopted and some left the home and didn't return and it left 2 until one died of old age and one was poison by a neighbour.

That sucks that someone may have poisoned one of them. That is so cruel

To make the situation worse. She was pregnant at the time. The litter inside of her died with her.

I really love dogs😭 I suddenly missed my energetic dog 😔 too bad he's still recovering from his disease.

I hope your dog makes a full recovery so you can play with him again.

I am in love with those eyes 🥰

He does have some super cool eyes.

It’s a good thing that you’ve got Titus around after Harley had left. I’m sure you’d Abe able to create more loving moments with Titus too
I also love the fact that Titus was able to note that something was up with Harley

We are trying our best to keep him happy.

Ohhhhh noooooo! A family pet being lost is a hard thing to swallow. I have always wondered wut are the names of the wolves disguised as dogs are.

But i never expected to learn about it this way.

RIP Harley.

Hopefully Titus finds happiness and is able to live longer. Depression can be as devastating as to humans.

Grrrrrrrr hopefull the end of winter and clear spring can bring some happiness and closure.

He seems to be doing well. We are keeping an eye on him and making sure to spend plenty of time with him.

That's a lot of pets! Although 5 cats I guess isn't much different to 2 cats in terms of maintenance - they can look after and clean each other pretty much!

As someone with 3 cats, my main issue is that I only have 2 hands so I can't fuss them all at once XD But we worked out a system, they each have their spot whenever I sit down, lying on my chest, my lap, and a chin on my waist/arm.

When it comes to 5 cats and 2 dogs... phew! I'd be drowning in fur with such a system heh

Anyway glad he's coping fine - not all dogs do!

The photos you show are very beautiful and the eyes look very stunning

Thank you

Titus is a strong boy! I've heard of so many sad stories of having one dog go entirely crazy or even have a heart attack after their companion passed away, that makes me be so proud of Titus even though we don't know each other that well!

I hope that he continues to do good. He has his moments where I can tell he is sad but he seems to be doing well.

That's a lot of pets for a single time. But that's a good idea to find some good and quality time for them. Appreciated

@tipu curate 2

It's a lot of pets, but they are all so fun and each have their own personalities.

It's heartwarming to hear how Titus is adjusting and thriving after Harley's passing. Taking him on walks and spending intentional time with him is a beautiful way to honor Harley's memory and strengthen your bond with Titus.

He is definitely loving that he gets more walks than before.

Greetings @derangedvisions ,

Delightful photographs and such a positive outcome for Titus....when it could have been different.

So sorry you had to put Harvey down.

Kind Regards,


Fantastic publication, super detailed and original.