Ascension weekend


Back On The Blog

After almost two weeks of silence, I'm finally back. Sometimes it's not easy to find inspiration. Writing a blog just for the sake of blogging where I don't have anything to say, or a blog about an event that is normal for me, is not something I always feel like doing. Writing a blog when you have something special to say is more my style. Even if that means I don't blog every day.


Ascension Weekend

The past were not ordinary days. Firstly, my partner had a nice short working week of only three days. On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated Ascension Day in the Netherlands. Now it is not that we are so religious that we celebrate Ascension Day. On the contrary, we do enjoy the extra days off that come with it, especially when the weather is better than expected. In the Netherlands, there is no guarantee that you will receive nice weather as a gift during Ascension Day. This year we were blessed with awesome summer weather, which certainly contributed to a holiday and summer feeling.

On Thursday, the first day of our extended weekend, we wanted to do some things in the garden. But realized that we needed potting soil. Now we could easily buy them in our village we could even buy them in our street. But that wasn't what we felt like doing, so after a check on the internet we quickly got in the car and drove to the next village where we walked around among the flowers and plants of a garden center and ended up with a new bright red Geranium and several large bags potting soil to take home. We also found some time to walk into Action. We looked around to see what they had and found a nice cushion for the garden that we could make Skipper happy with. Now that summer time is coming, it is also a time for him to spend a lot of time outside. He immediately made grateful use of his new pillow.



On Friday it was time for us to get in the car and go to our neighboring country Belgium to get some groceries and fill up the car's tank. Now you might think that we won't save anything with this because we have to drive a bit for it, but the opposite is true. Gasoline is 40 cents per liter cheaper in Belgium than in the Netherlands. And for some groceries, we buy there we only pay 89 euro cents, while the same product in the Netherlands is available in the supermarket for almost 3 euros! By purchasing smartly and, above all, enough at once, we save enough to make the trip to Belgium and back home. We also definitely want to try to take Skipper with us so that we can hang out there longer, the weather had been lovely for that already ... but because we were going shopping now, and therefore had no room left in our small car for our big dog, that party was canceled this time. Better luck next time, but that meant I was disappointed because I didn't have time for photos. Even though I had my phone with me, I didn't take a photo worth sharing. This is a shame because it is a very nice place that we are going to. I promise it will happen someday!

Stay At Home Day

Then it was Saturday again, and we spent most of that day at home. Enjoy the weather in the garden. Making everything nice and making sure that some of the weeds have been removed from the driveway. Mowed the lawn and kept up with other things that also needed to be done. It can't be a celebration of trips every day.


Museum Trip

But then Sunday came, and usually, that is a day on which we stay at home because my partner has to work again the next day. Only this Sunday I got my way, we went out. A museum was on the program. "Liberating Wings". A museum dedicated to the 101st Airborne. Yes, a museum about a very dark period in our history. The Second World War.


We Should Never Forget

I have always been very interested in this time. It has always fascinated me, it has always touched me, I want to know what happened, I want to try to understand it. I am also convinced that we should never forget that period. It has now been almost 80 years since the Second World War ended and when I look at the news to see what the world is like now, it seems more important than ever to keep history alive. To keep reminding us how wrong things can go, and how wrong things seem to be going right now. The Second World War remains a crucial chapter in human history, whose lessons and memories remain relevant, especially today. With the rise of extremism, populism, and authoritarianism worldwide, preserving the memory of the horrors of this period is so vitally important to warn against the dangers of intolerance and abuse of power.


The Dangers Of This Era

In today's era of technological advancement and the spread of extremism and disinformation, I hope that the preservation of historical facts and memories can serve as an antidote to manipulation and propaganda. In addition, the Second World War can continue to remind us of the importance of international cooperation and peace, amid increasing globalization and interdependence.


Freedom And Peace Are Verbs

The preservation of this memory serves not only as a tribute to the victims and survivors of the war but also as a warning and inspiration for future generations to continue striving for a world of peace, freedom, and justice. Amid the war in Ukraine and Gaza, it is more important than ever that people realize that freedom and peace are not fixed, but that they are verbs.

Of course I took many more photos, but I will show them in a later blog, a blog specifically dedicated to that museum. Because it was more than worth it to visit.

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LEO Power Up Day - May 15, 2024

We should definitely not forget, although I try to avoid such museums myself knowing how it sticks with me and how it impacts my well-being feeling the vibes in these places.. I know you're sensitive too, I just can't handle that lol..

I remember being very curious about the Terror Museum in Budapest and we walked passed it many times but I never dare to enter it because I was already impacted so much by the dark heavy overall mood I felt walking in the streets (I told you many times that it made me feel depressed) so this was not a smart move..

But we surely should never forget the horrors that have been done to humans..


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