Aviation Photography "1955 Beech T-34A (A45) Mentor" #26

"1955 Beech T-34A (A45) Mentor"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Date 4-27-24

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Good morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today is some more new aviation photography of this 1955 Beech T-34A (A45) Mentor Trainer jet and this will feature three shots, the only three I go that were good enough to not make it to the trash can. My plan is to try and get more of these one day but I am out of town now, so these will have to do for now. I started typing before I even put the image's on this post and I actually have five photos to share, don't need to save any for a later post, I will just take more one day, so more shots for you all to enjoy. Now lets get into them and on this one I will do them all in order as the 1955 Beech T-34A (A45) Mentor came landing in, as my shutter kept clicking away. So the first shot has to be here, you can see all the detail of the Jet, with the CA, the Navy as well as the star with the 293, all clear and no obstructions. Also the propeller is in great motion as well. So that is why it is the cover shot, and the blue clouds do get better when in comes closer to me below. In the second shot below here is also a nice one and I actually like the propeller position better in this image than above but its all good, lets keep it moving.

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This is another awesome image and the propeller pops with motion so good, just love these moments. I like all the lights on too in this one.

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This image is so good too, well I like the all and now your starting to see the star symbol under the wings and that propeller looks so good too.

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Now as we get into the last image here, another good one blue skies are just popping, the propeller is popping with awesome movement and you get to see the underneath of the wings better too. When it comes to slowing down that propeller, you have to shoot at 320 shutter speed or even less than that to get the motion, and one day I will try to get the full circle motion but that is even lower than 200, need to make sure you hold your camera very still while moving and following these types of planes. All these images I can say I am proud of, love doing this aviation and will continue when I can in the future but anyways, thank you all for stopping by my blog and post, hope you enjoyed these as much as I do, to you and yours have a blessed one.

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.
