There are mornings you only wish for a bowl of yoghurt granola and fruits

in Healthy Happy Kids4 months ago

Is there a Perfect Breakfast or The Best One? Is it the same for everyone? Definitely not! Not even for ourselves. We want very often different meals and food products over the morning. Life would be a bit boring having same breakfast every everyday, dont u agree? 🙄

But...I think....there's always a perfect breakfast for that day, depending our needs, our time, our mood and our taste buds! There are days you crave for eggs and bacon, there are days you crave for a slice of bread and hummus on top, there are the days for pancakes or muffins or maybe just a coffee and a croassant is what you need. And there are days you only wish for a
Bowl of yoghurt, topped with granola and fruits.
That's me guys! If there's pinapple and dark chocolate....u got me!


I thought sharing my perfect breakfast over the foodie community, but after my little one asked himself for a bowl of this, I knew it! This is also a healthy version for kids, so why not present it this way?

I know, we, mammas, are always doing something, always on the rush, and sometimes there's just no time for preparing a good balanced breakfast.

But one yoghurt, topped with fruits and some granola works wonderfully for those days. At least for us!

The star of the recipe is Pinapple!

Its not the same without, trust me. But if you dont like pinapple, then feel free to replace it with mango, peach, banana.


I'm not a cereal girl, at all. I only like some crispy granola or a muesli sometimes. I dont eat cereal and milk. It has to be some kind of wonder to crave it. I dont have a problem with this combo itself, but I just dont like it. Its not my kind of breakfast and it never was.

I prefer crispy granola and yoghurt.
Give me some fruits too and I'm fine at morning. However, I dont enjoy it everyday because there are other morning foods I love too. 😁

But this breakfast is just perfect for buzy days.


  • yoghurt 100-150g
  • granola or muesli (chose your favorite or the kid's favorite)
  • pinapple cut in small pieces
  • kiwi (one fruit cut in small chuncks)
  • dark chocolate ( I had 85% dark chocolate)
  • cacao nibs (optional)
  • coconut flakes


The coconut flakes are not optional at all! They add a sublime taste to this breakfast. Ofc you can skip it, but its just not the same. The coconut makes this meal whole, hearty and comfy! Deliiciouss!



Start by adding on the base one regular yoghurt. You can chose your favorite, low fat, high fat, high protein etc.
Add granola, fruits and on top add cacao nibs, dark chocolate and coconut flakes.




After I finished with my bowl of yoghurt, Caleb said he wants the same.

However, I asked him if he wants this kind of breakfast in the first place and he said Nope. 😳
But he changed his mind in five minutes. Sounds familiar, mammas? 😆🥹

We had this breakfast yoghurt bowl two times last week and today again! 😁

I'm curious what you think of this. Do you think your children would love to have this?

Funny thing is that Caleb doesnt like to have a lot of foods mixed in the same plate. This is annoying at times but I got used to. For some reason though, he eats this without any complains and I think we have a lot with this breakfast, in the same bowl, one on top of each other 😅😅. Weird how these kids are....

Overall, I think this breakfast comes with a good amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, it's easy to digest and keeps you full for a few good hours.

Thank you guys for reading,

Missdeli 💕



Yoghurt and granola is my breakfast about five days a week...mine doesn't look quite as good as yours, but it tastes awesome and that's what counts huh?

I hope you're well and have a nice Friday and weekend ahead.

Yes, the taste, ofc! Thats why I mentioned about coconut flakes not being optional. Add those on top of pinapple and dark chocolate and it changes the whole thing. 😁

Yes, I am well, I guess 😁 with a little bit of everything happening in here but its going to be a relaxing weekend, thats for sure! I hope u're well too and enjoy your summer days over there! 🦘

A relaxing weekend sounds like a good idea especially if the working week has been a little busy, as mine always is.

As for summer, we've had some really hot days lately but today was a pleasant 24's heating up to almost 40 degrees next week though...I'll be melting like a block of fine chocolate. :)

Well, my relaxing weekend got not that relaxing anymore. I got a virus from the kid and I'm a bit messed up :)))

Huh!😵 40 degrees sounds a bit too irritating :d

I love the way you prepared your food very nutritious.

Thank you. Its the easiest breakfast out there 😊

It looks good, crunchy granola is always a pleasure for the taste buds

Thank you! 💕
Agree with crucnhy granola. Its my favorite out of all granolas and cereals and if it's Chocolate Crispy Granola....thats just divine! 😅
Sometimes I feel guilty having it cause its not just the healthiest thing 😅😅.

Hugs from Arad 💓

Woah, no omelette? No sausages? No heavy food in the morning? My bf should see this as he always says that there are no people out there eating healthy food in the first part of the day as it's not nourishing enough, hahahaha

Definitely no sausages in the morning.:)) If I'd have that, I will have a very bad day as I can't go with too heavy foods in the morning. But from time to time that works too for me, depends on many things.
Having different types of breakfast from one day to another, swaping from heavy foods to light foods its not totally a bad idea.
My weakness are the croissants :(( from Lidl. I love them so much! :))

I love all the bakeoff stuff from Lidl! Wish I could only eat those my entire life LOL

I only wish for a croissant right now 🙄😭😭😭

Looks delicious, I like kiwi, but somehow mixed with cereals dont work for me :D I like cereals with almond milk, with banana, strawberries, coconut flakes and cinnamon, and sometimes blueberries and some seeds

I agree with you. Kiwi is not the best option combined with yoghurt/granola. I realized that myself many times and forgot about it everytime I had this combo once again :)). I love your combo though, sounds good!

Life would be a bit boring having same breakfast every everyday, dont u agree? 🙄

Ohhh yes!! I totally agree with you and imagine living with someone like you who is an all-rounder when it comes to food, it's gonna be super fun!!

hahaa, you are fun! Thank you though :x:x 😍

Creative meals are the best!
