Why Do You Write on Hive: Building My Second Brain on Hive

Why Do You Write on Hive_ Building My Second Brain on Hive.png

Have you heard the word second brain?

Are you familiar with its concept?

The second brain is the place whether digital or physical to store information instead of your literal brain. This concept is popularized by Tiago Forte, who has also a book named Building a Second Brain (not affiliated and sponsored).

I somehow like the idea, you can always use different software to store information. Commonly, people who have a second brain use Notion, Evernote, Obsidian, etc. This depends on which type of note-taker you are.

(You can read the book or just search on the internet if you want to know which type of note-taker you are).

But after using all of this, nothing works for me. I don’t feel the need for it, and I don’t feel organized using them. I want to apply the concept when writing my blogs and information that I learned from reading, watching, or even something that pops up in my mind.

Building my second brain on Hive

I read a blog before about a user who uses Hive as their notepad to write their thoughts. It becomes their online diary and journal. I kinda relate it to myself, I want to do the same. Until I read a blog written by @macchiata where she always writes her Brain Dump Morning Musings series.

In her blog, she shared that Hive helped her to remember and document the things that she learned from the past. She learned something, she shared it on Hive, and when the time comes that she needs something again, she will search for it on her blog and then get back the stored information on the blockchain.

Read her blog: How Hive Has Saved Me

This made me ask myself, why do I write on Hive? Well, aside from treating it as a so-like business, I also want to adopt what she is doing. I want to document things on Hive so I can go back into it later.

I think this is a good idea to start journaling and documenting your life. I remember that Ali Abdaal, one of my favorite YouTubers, said that you should document your life, take more photos and videos, and store them into something that you can access later and your future self will thank you.

More creators on Hive share their travels, ideas, and thoughts on the chain. And I think everyone can do the same. Of course, I also treat this as a business. I want to separate the business and personal sides on Hive. But this is just another topic that I might be sharing soon.

As of now, I already have plans, evaluating everything and taking into consideration my schedule.

Overall, this idea of building a second brain – or more likely an online journal will also help me to keep publishing on the platform. I always have goals, but I rarely publish.

I have a lot of pending blogs on my to-do list. I will just need to make a draft and hit the publish button.

Now, what do you think about this idea? Why do you use Hive and how do you use it?

 last month  

It's nice to read this! while we need to be wary of our privacy but I guess some ideas need to be put out there to start a conversation. I use my hive for so long as my personal history journey. I could write a book based on the materials I compiled these 6 years alone & I am trying to do that hehe.

Haha we should keep it balanced when it comes to sharing on the internet. But sharing your ideas can bring topics to talk about and get different perspective from different people.

I use my Hove blog as my online narration for my readings because my husband is getting tired of being my oral narration listener. Lol.

I also use it to document the museums and field trips that I have organized for my daughter. Being a homeschooler, we have to DIY these stuff so maybe some other homeschoolers might benefit from my blogs. Hopefully.

It's always nice to share your thoughts here, no one will judge you! Also, it's good that you are documenting those things with your daughter. You can always go back on the blockchain years from now and reminisce good times with her when she was a baby/kid.

I use Hive as my diary too. Happy times, sad times, things I want to go back to when time comes. I dream of being old and just sitting back, reading all that I have posted here on Hive. I tried using a diary but sometimes (or often times) I lost it and forget about it...Unlike Hive, you can access it anytime you want. 🤗

Yep! We can access Hive...and all of the content that we write and share, we own it by ourselves! That's Web 3.0 😀

All those anime and manga shitposts review I make helps me track which ones I'm still waiting to be completed because the updates take too long, like months to years long. I didn't think about is as a second brain but it's what I just do with my blogs and the side perk is that I get votes from it which is nice. It adds to the hobby posting reason than shitpost to earn motive.

!discovery 25

That's the concept and idea, more likely an online journal, second brain, and shitpost.

And I like the idea that I am earning.

I also think its as a business and my account name as my brand. Great realization lawrence. I love your ideas. Keep growing your account!

Thanks ate pinkchic! I am so eager to grow my HP but I don't have enough money to buy more 😂

I know you are good at gaming. Heheh. You can don it. Or why not shitpost, I know you could grow more and more! Heheh

Oh gaming is not really my forte hahaha. Shitpost all the way!

I mainly write about topics I like to spread the word about.
As a real WOO enthousiast (wrestling themed play2earn game powered by the Hive blockchain), I mainly write about that project.
Sometimes when I see a fun prompt, I may write about something 'random' as well.

What I write is different from what I read though. I prefer reading topics which let me grow my knowledge in the broad sense.

Great question!

I heard WOO a lot but never tried researching about it so I don't have much info about it.

Reading blogs that expand your knowledge is the best move to learn more. That's what I also do.

I'd love to document my life in my blog more extensively, but I fear it might completely destroy my blog, considering I'm currently facing more problems than I'd care to mention.

If it had been any other way for me, I'd think yours is a very good advice.🙂


Whatever your reason is, I hope you are doing fine:)

Thank you! I'll try.

Oh, and thanks for the follow! :)

Sure! It's always great to build friendship on chain.

I write mostly for the same. I document my life on the Hive blockchain. I decided in the recent past to write mostly for myself.

In addition to the texts, Hive, Ecency, PeakD and other similar platform are good to upload and store photos for free. I know that currently the photos are not stored on the blockchain, only the texts, but still good.

And I also write about my progress and about my experience about video games. For example League of Legends: Wild Rift, and Splinterlands.

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